04:First Two victims

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"There's a ketchup stain just by your lips"he rubbed off "ohh haha it must've been from the pizza we ate"He nodded agreeing

"C'mon take a sit"he offered me a chair as I thanked him placing my warmth into the chair I stretched my back from the pain of sitting on the floor for almost an hour as our session isn't nowhere near finished,he sat back down after turning the AC.

"So where were we"He started to flip through pages to re-collect our past lessons.

"Ok"He said as he started explaining,in the midst of his explanation,I decided to turn the TV on making sure that the audio wasn't too loud.

When a breaking news appeared and I changed the volume to higher.

"Breaking news 2 students from Seoul International school,has been filed missing,reportedly has been missing for 48 hrs at the same time,if any citizen knows these students please immediately report to the police"2 photos flashed as a gasp in my mouth echoes across the room as Yoongi and Lana.

"Oh noo"I immediately fished out my phone to call my friends but Lisa was fast enough as I was receiving an incoming call from her.

"Ghurll did you hear the news?!"Her voice was so loud as I had forgotten Jungkooks existence "I-I this can't be happening,I hope he's ok and nothing bad  happened to Yoongi and Lana"I voiced out in concern "You should go home"She advised knowing I was at Jungkook's place.

"Y-you're right"I ended the call quickly as a rush of fear ran throughout my whole body as I packed my belongings from the table confusing Jungkook and I could sense a bit of annoyance on him.

"I-I have to go Jungkook"


I immediately ran down his staircase and exited his house worrying that I might miss the bus.

I slowed down my pace as I could feel pain in my upper left abdomen.

I stopped to breathe and that's when I heard footsteps behind me "Shit"I sweared for the first time in a while.

But only audible enough fo rme to hear alone,the person stopped as I slowly turned my head and saw nothing.

I calmed down and started walking and just to make sure that I wasn't delusional,I made sure that my footsteps couldn't be heard.

And that's when I heard fast footsteps,I turned around fast and saw a shadow behind the tree.

Panic ran through me and I screamed and ran as fast as I could,Turning to the right and entering a convenient store.

As I tried regaining my breath from the long run.

I checked on the doors to see if the unknown person was still out but he wasn't.

I sat down at the chairs as only me and the cashier was in the store.

I opened my purse as I rummaged my hand through it and felt a sharp edge as I hissed,I took my hand out and realized I got cut,I took out the sharp object that grazed me and realized I got paper cut.

I read the note that was written in a not so ordinary paper that was thick and couldn't be folded "Always"

Is what was written and I was thinking how it hot here but I didn't seem suspicious about it as I walked through the aisles to find a bandaid.

Taking one pack and bringing it to the cashier,as I paid for it and taking a sit back to place it on my wounded finger.

As I hissed a bit.

I carefully thought of a way to go back home.

Jungkook lives near by maybe I should ask him to go with me back home,but I feel bad for doing him a favor like that but of course my safety matters first,I dialed his number and in an instant he picked up "H-Hey Y/N,You called?"

"Umm yes,I uh need a favor"

"Anything I mean what do you need?"He asked "Well I don't feel safe going home by myself would you mind picking me up at the near by convenient store?"There was a long pause and I regretted my decision as I was embarrassed "Actually you don't have to if-"

"No no I don't mind,I'll pick you up right now"I sighed in relief as I texted my mom who I had unread messages coming from her asking why I haven't been home and if I haven't heard the news.

I called her but my load credits was unfortunately finished as I released a stressed breath and planned to contact her from Jungkook's phone.

I heard a beep outside making me look out and saw a black Mercedes,as the tinted windows rolled down to the driver revealing Jungkook.

As I smiled.

I entered his car greeting him "I am so sorry Jungkook for causing-" I was yet again cut off "No Y/N whenever it's you,you will never be a burden"

I smiled thanking him "My house is that way"I pointed to a direction to correct him as he turned back to his house's direction "Why don't you stay the night?"I immediately tensed up as I know how conservative I am and my family and sleeping in a mans house is wrong.

"I'm sorry Jungkook but I don't think my parents would mind"I apologized.

"I'm sorry Jungkook but I don't think my parents would mind"She apologized.

That's fine Jungkook you need to be a gentlemen for her parents,I inhaled her scent that was filling my car,as I wasn't happy,Not one bit.

As a thought of that man she worried for so much,I will kill him oh wait,I chuckled,I already did.

I looked beside me as she looked at me confused to what I was laughing about "Sorry I just thought about something funny"

"Jungkook you should be careful,since those two came from our school,they might also target people like us"she warned as I smiled "No one can ever harm you Y/N....Always"She smiled "Thank you"As I looked back to the road.

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