2: Hey, Boys!

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"So you know how I told you I was going out with Dylan on Friday, right?"

I nodded, reaching out to grab a shirt off the rack and observe it closer. I was out with my one and only solid friend, Georgia, at the local bargain clothing store. It was my favorite place to kill time and pocket change, finding name brand items for discounted prices.

Georgia dramatically giggled, playing it cool as she said, "Well, I kinda' went home with him and he wants to see me again tonight."

"Oh, shit. I see you," I cheered. "I'm glad one of us is getting it in."

She furrowed her eyebrows. Georgia was very pretty; something out of a magazine. Her hair was chin length and dyed a very dark blue, styled in waves every day. Pretty blue eyes, sculpted brows, multiple piercings, and perfectly plumped lips blessed her face. I often joked she was God's favorite.

As she fiddled with her septum piercing, she eyed a hoodie on the very end of the row of clothing. "I thought you went to Tito's. You never leave there alone," she wondered.

"Tell me about it. Xavier showed up and cockblocked, so now he knows I'm gay and gave me blue balls."

Georgia gasped. "What do you mean he cockblocked? Does he want you for himself or something?"

"Ew, Georgia!" I exclaimed in horror, catching the attention of a lady nearby. "I would literally rather die than ever think about Xavier wanting me at all."

We continued our shopping and quickly wrapped it up so we could catch some lunch before Georgia had to go to work. She worked as a server at a small country style restaurant.

On our way out, I felt my phone buzzing in my pocket and pulled it out, seeing it was a text from Xavier. I cursed and showed Georgia the notification before opening it up. I almost dropped my phone as I turned my eyes upward in shock.

Xavier (11:20AM)
Hope you enjoyed your shopping

At the edge of the parking lot, I saw the familiar white truck, sitting and waiting. My eyes immediately shot to my car. No. Fucking. Way.

My beautiful red Jeep Rubicon with the matte black accents was covered in pink ribbons all over the sides and front. A large pink bow adorned the front and a bunch of different shaded pink balloons were tied to my windshield wipers. As I drew closer, I noticed there was pink writing on my windows.

On the back window it read, 'Honk if you think I'm sexy' with a rainbow flag zip tied and draped over the spare tire on the back. My driver's side window said 'Hey boys!' with hearts all over it and on the racks on the top there were pink streamers cascading down.

I pulled out my phone and dialed Xavier's number, staring down his truck from where I was standing. It rang a few times, making my blood boil.

"Wow. Hey, Bradford, I wasn't expecting your call."

"You're fucking dead," was all I spat into the phone. I unlocked the car and put my bags inside. "Come over here and fight me. I'm gonna' kick your ass."

Xavier laughed on the other end of the line. "You don't like what I did to your car?" he asked, feigning a hurt voice. "I worked so hard on it! Don't you know how fast I had to do all of that while you were in there having girl time?"

"I'm not joking, de León. Come here and fight me."

Georgia tried to grab my hand to calm me down but I was livid. There was no way he was getting away with this. I shook her hand off and held up my middle finger to Xavier's parked truck. Georgia sighed and started taking down some of the streamers.

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