My backstory.

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I hadn't spoken to Luke in a year. He knew that I hated him. I knew that tonight was going to be a tough night for me because I would have to stare at him playing a show with a set list I watched them practice a million times. 

The boys were super nervous for this tour. I remember, they started rehersals really early because they were so nervous. I used to tag along and watch them play. Thinking back to it, I used to be so proud. Now, I can't hear any of those songs without crying or getting super angry.

About a year ago, after my accident with Luke, I packed my bags from Sydney, Australia, and moved to Philadelphia, in America. I had lived there before I had moved to Australia, so I knew the area well and wasn't afraid to move back. I started at a new high school and made new friends, like Lauren. 

We originally moved to Australia because my dad was originally from there, but he moved to America when he was in college. He met my mom and got married, but when I was 14, we packed our bags and moved to Australia. 

You're probably wondering how I was able to convince my parents to move back to America. It really wasn't as hard as you might think it would be. I told them I wasn't comfortable in Australia and I didn't have any friends and was just really missing home. My parents were obviously missing home too, so after a day or so of thinking, they decided it was best for my whole family, siblings and all, to move back to America. 

It gave me a chance to start over and forget all that happened in Australia. However, the band was gaining popularity in America and it was harder and harder to shelter myself from them. They were everywhere. 

Every time I heard one of their songs on the radio, or saw a poster of them, or heard someone talking about them I felt three things. One: Anger. I was still angry at Luke for the things he had done and I can't help but sometimes want to rip my hair out thinking about how he lied to me for two years. Two: Sadness. You know how when something happens to you, the anger comes first then the immense sadness? I feel this all the time. Sometimes I scream and yell about it, but I just end up crying on the floor of my bathroom because I miss the way things were. Three: Jealousy. You're probably surprised to hear that I am jealous of them. It just really gets to me that the rest of the world knows about them and is in love with them when I had known them and were friends with them first. But then I don't get to be friends with them anymore because of their stupid descisions, they still get love them and their music. It's not fair.

Second chapter, done!  This was kind of like a background chapter just letting you guys know whats really going on and stuff like that. Also, I am going to kind of leave the cast blank because I want you guys to imagine what Ali and the rest of the characters to look like. I don't know, when you imagine them as some celebrity like the writer says they are, it makes the story seem less real. That's probably just me, though. Anyways, I hope you enjoyed the chapter. Thanks for reading!

-everyoneloves5sos :)

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