❄Chapter 1❄

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"Good morning class!"

"Good morning Mrs. Janet!" the class of 9A shouted happily.

The said teacher walks to the teacher's table and keeps her attendance register on it. She turns around, her eyebrows raised.

"My, my! The class looks happy today! Am I in the right class?" she wonders aloud.

The whole class laughs and she joins in too.

"Its a Friday ma'am! And we have P.T. in the last period!!" one says and everyone agree.

[P.T is the short form of Physical Education. But all we do in this period is play games😂]

All the children in her class love Fridays. Who wouldn't! All of them would be dying for the weekend. She smiled and turned back to take the attendance register.

"Okay class! I'll take your attendance!" she announces and begins to take the attendance.

"Excuse me ma'am may I come in?!"

All heads turn to the door to find a boy, hands on his knees, panting.

"Ah...Brandon. You're early. We didn't reach your name yet. Come sit!"

He then comes and sits on his seat.

The teacher then continues with the attendance.

"Isaac and Natalie, take the class for the assembly. We don't want to be late!"

The class monitors then lead the class to the basketball court, for the day's assembly.

After 9A were in their allotted place, Natalie felt an arm around her shoulder.

"Let's go!" Ella exclaims.

Natalie smiles as her best friend takes her to the choir stand next to the stage. They both stand in the third row and wait as the rest of the choir take their places. Then the music teachers come and greet the choir and discuss things with the music leaders.

"Good morning students! Lets begin the assembly!" the Principal announces, which leads to silence.

Then the choir starts with the school song, then a hymn, the principal reads the Bible and prays, two students read the news and give a motivational quote. A teacher comes up to the podium and takes the mic.

"Good morning students! I have an announcement to make. As all of you know that we're in the month of November. So well be taking auditions for the Christmas musical this year. Students interested to join the choir please audition to Angela mam. The students interested in the play or the dance, please assemble here in the seventh period. Everyone note that the musical is for classes, 7,8,9 and 11. Thank you and have an amazing day."

[Classes 10 and 12 have national (board) exams so they must focus on studies and weren't allowed in most of the school's activities.]

The Choir then ends the assembly by singing the national anthem.

Then slowly, class by class the students leave the basketball court and return to their classes.

"Choir please wait for a moment, we have things to tell." Angela mam says.

All of them wait for her.

"Okay! So y'all heard about the musical right?"

"Yes mam!"

"Okay. So now all of you who are interested, stay back for the auditions. If any of you cannot come or parents aren't letting you and things like that. You can get back to class."

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