Its the season of Christmas and school is almost to end for the year. With all the Christmas activities taking place in St. Claire's High School, Brandon, Ella and Natalie are super excited! But Elijah isn't. And he doesn't tell them why. Sit back...
“Hey you two! Take out the sheep and let it graze!” one man shouts at Ella and Brandon.
They look at him.
“Us?” they point at themselves.
“Yes! Brandon take Ella and go now!”
“Okay!” Ella replies before Brandon could speak.
He looks at her, confused.
“Brandon we don't know where we are. Plus, that man looks like he's the leader. And he creeps me out! Its best we stay on their good side if we want to know more. And they know us….”
“Oh….okay come on.” He gets up and takes a staff. He grabs a nearby shawl and wraps it around Ella and hands her another staff.
“Its cold. You need to stay warm.” he tells her.
“What about you?” she asks.
“I'm fine. Not cold.” he smiles.
They open the gate and let the sheep out.
“Kids take them closer to the mountains but not too far!” the man shouts again. The two of them nod and lead the sheep away.
“Wait!……how do we know the work of a shepherd?!” Brandon asks, surprised.
Ella halts.
“Oh my God! I don't know!” her eyes widen.
“What are you kids talking about? What don't you know? You've been with us since you were babies! Don't act stupid and go, work. And here's lunch if you don't come back on time. Return before the sun sets.” the man tells them as he hands them two loaves of bread.
“Dan! Come here quick!”the other men call. The man nods at them and leaves to join the shepherds.
Brandon and Ella continue to lead the sheep till they found a pasture, lush and filled with grass. The sheep happily grazed. There was a little spring with crystal clear water. Ella bent down and drank from it.
“Brandon! Its so fresh! Drink it!” she exclaims as he drinks it. He sighs in happiness as he finishes.
“Yea! Let me fill it up.” he says as he takes his wine-skin and filled it with water.
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Then they sat under a tree and watched as the sheep grazed the pasture.
“What will Nat and Eli be doing right now Brandon?” she asks him, her gaze on a sheep.