Dont give up because you losing

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"Annabeth?" I call into the dark, long looking hallway.

I can't see a thing.

"Annabeth!" I call louder. Still no answer.

"Percy!" I hear a muffled scream from the end of the hall.

I run as fast as my legs will carry me. But the hallway seems to be going on forever. My legs start to burn and I realize that I'm dizzy.

"Annabeth!" I yell again.

I hear nothing.


I'm cut off my sobbing.

I run in the direction of the cries and find a wall. I run as fast as I can against it an go right though it.

"Annabeth?" I whisper.

I head sobs that seem to be very light now.

I fall to the ground and feel hair under my hand.

"Annabeth?" I whisper.

I get up and force my eyes to focus to the dark. In the dark, I feel something wet but warm.

I touch it and lick my fingers... It's blood...

"ANNABETH!?" I tell louder then I meant to.

"She's gone." Says a faintly familiar voice from behind me.

I turn around to find Luke Castellian. His face wet with tears.

"Luke..." I whisper.

I reach my pocket for riptide but it's not there.

I faintly see him smirk.

"You lost Percy. The great and powerful Percy. Annabeth loved me first. What was it she called you? Seaweed brain? I suppose it's because she knew all along that she truly loved me and not you."

I clench my fist so I don't kill him again.

"Give up Jackson. You've lost."

"Why is she hurt?!" I say throwing as much anger as I can into my words.

"Don't you get it? She's dead. She put up such a fight to get back to you. I had to kill her. It hurts me as much as her. I cared about her. I really did. But I couldn't have you two being happy."

I lunge at him only to hear a faint voice.


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