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Annabeth POV

We arrive at the school and I remember the one time I was here. Percy had burnt down the band room because of Kelli the empousi.

It looks better now though. No flames, no smoke, and they probably got a new band room.

If your wondering how he got away with that, Chiron used the must to make them think it wasn't his fault which obviously works because he's been going to the school since then and now were in 12th grades . That was in 9th grade. So he's doing pretty good considering he gets kicked out of just about every school.

"You ready wise girl?" He asks as we pull into the parking lot.

I smirk.

"For school? Sure. But are you sure your ready seaweed brain? I mean being that your dating someone that is going to get straight A's no matter what, people might expect you to know some stuff too."

He laughs. His laugh is so beautiful. I haven't heard it much since we fell into... Well you get the point. I like seeing him happy.

"Don't worry. I'll get all of my answers from you and then I will pass school... Without the most this time."

I laugh.



He takes me hand and helps me out of the car.

We walk to the school hand in hand.


Percy POV

We walk into the school and I instantly see my best friend. Well, that's a mortal. Not a half-blood, satyr, cyclops, or... You get the point.

He sees me and smile. I smile back. I follow his glance to annabeth and I holding hands.

She smirks.

"I see you weren't lying bro." He says walking closer.

"Ah come on dude. You know the ladies love me."

Annabeth elbows me and I laugh.

"Okay okay. So Annabeth this is my best friend Rick. Rick, this is Annabeth."

They shake hands.

"Why hello Annabeth. I've heard a lot about you. Your man can get annoying." He laughs.

"Hey Rick. I've heard about you too." She says.

"Oh really? I didn't think he would talk about me unless he was talking bad. What has he told you? About my sexiness and such?"

Annabeth looks at me and understanding passes through her eyes and I can tell what she's thinking.

He's so much like Leo...

Rick and I hug a bro hug thing cause we haven't seen each other all summer since I've been like killing Gaea and stuff.

"So bro," he says.

"You got lunch 5th?"

I smile.

"Well duh."

We fist bumb and his eyes transfer from me to Annabeth back to me.

"So are you gonna be like one of those annoying couples that have all of your classes together?" He asks.

Annabeth laughs.

"Oh please. I'm in honers classes."

Then I laugh because let's face it, a daughter of Athena would defiantly be wayyyy smarter then me.

"Ahhhh I see okay okay. So that's a no then."

"Well, we take Greek together, then we have lunch together, an mechanics."

We agreed to take a mechanics corse together in memory of Leo.

"Okay so not to annoying but mildly annoying I got you. Come on bro. Let's go to homeroom." Rick says trying to pull me away from Annabeth.

"Okay. What's yours?" I ask Annabeth.

"Somehow your stepdads. I have to help tutor 9th graders for English."

I pout.

"Okay. I'll see you second period for Greek. Love you."

She smiles.

"Love you too."

I kiss her and let go of her hand.

"Man you two are gross." Rick says. "Let's go."

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