Chapter 1: Octavio Silva

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Chapter 1: Octavio Silva

The steady beeping of his own heart beat woke Octavio from the darkness. A groan escaped his lips as he sat up in his hospital bed. The harsh white and blue filled his vision along with the blurred figure of his best friend, Ajay Che.


"Tav you're up."

The girl stands up and comes closer to Octavio's bedside, she hits a button on the side of his bed to call in a nurse.

"What happened?"

"Yah gone and made a mess Silva."

Octavio sits up a bit more and hisses when his legs shift on the sheets. His hands fly to the pain, only making it worse. His hands wrap around the stub of where his knee used to be. A searing dread fills his body as reality sets in, his new reality. He looks back at his friend with wide eyes.


"I told ya... a big mess. Yo lucky I love ya..."

Ajay sighs and glances over at the case she had brought with her when she came to visit. After she had heard what had happened, she was furious with the boy who sat in front of her. From what she had heard from her parents, Octavio Silva was doing the mischief he did best, he was playing around with some tactics of launching himself into the air and had blown up his parent's gardens along with his own two legs. Ajay went to see him a few times in the hospital, spending every moment telling off his sleeping form for being so stupid and reckless.

Then she heard the news, she was forbidden from going to see the young Silva from that point on as he was no longer apart of the Silva family. Her heart broke for the boy as she spoke with his social worker later that week, he would be moved from Psamathe to Gaea to a foster home until he is of age. Ajay couldn't stand to leave her friend high and dry when he seemed to have lost everything. She pulled a few strings and got him a snazzy set of prosthetics.

She stands and slowly walks across the room to grab the case. She reveals the set of legs in the velvety case and his eyes brightened up a little.

"Che, gracias."

"Tav, I gotta tell ya somethin'. Ya-"

Her words were cut short as a nurse walks in with a smile. She approaches the bed and picks up a clipboard.

"Glad to see you're awake. Now I've got a few questions to ask you."

Octavio sits up and looks at the nurse.

"Have at it."

"What is your name?"

"Octavio Silva."

"What year is it?"


"Good, good. How old are you?"


She smiles and nods. She fills out a few things on her papers before walking over to Ajay and patting her shoulder.

"I see you've shown him his new legs huh? Have you brought up the.."

Ajay shakes her head and looks at Octavio with sad eyes causing him to frown.

"What is it Hermana?"

"Well... ya no longer a Silva..."

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