Chapter 3: The boy with the prosthetics

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Chapter 3: The boy with the prosthetics

Elliot sighed as he got up for his daily physiotherapy for his knee. He was getting better at walking without a limp now as the pain and flexibility had gotten better. Today was supposed to be a little more challenging as his doctor wanted him to try stairs. He finally was gonna get some different scenery from his room.

His nurse helps him get into a wheelchair carefully.

"Woah, woah, as pretty as you are watch the hands."

Elliot mumbles with a little smirk as the nurse apologizes with a small laugh. She wheels him towards a larger open space for patients who needed physiotherapy. His eyes immediately make their way to the only other people in the room. It was a boy around his age, A girl with magenta hair tossed up into a couple of buns and a doctor. The boy was holding onto the doctor's arm as he takes small shaky steps. That's when he saw why they were there, the boy's light olive skin changed into white prosthetics. He was learning to walk again. In Elliot's opinion they kind of added to his look, from what he could tell the guy fit into the rebellious type category. His hair was dyed an obnoxious green, he had scars littering his body from only god knows what, and his eyes, oh his eyes were beautiful. When they met Elliot's gaze he melted, liquid gold that filled his veins. The guy grins, showing off a set of chipped teeth, and looks back at his doctor making Elliot realize how long he had been staring.

His doctor smiles and gets him set up on the stair machine, monitoring his progress and struggles. It was a hard activity but Elliot pulled through like a champ. On one of his breaks from the machine he hears yelling from across the room.

"A la mierda esto!"

The boy with the prosthetics dropped to the floor with his head in his hands as more what seemed like Spanish came from him. He slams a hand on the floor as his doctor does her best to console him. Elliot watches the ordeal for a little bit before the boy is escorted to a seat right beside him.

"He needs a break..."

His doctor smiles softly at him before fluttering off to go talk with another professional in the room. Elliot picked at his skin again as they sit in an awkward silence. Elliot purses his lips and after a few moments of hyping himself up does he mutter a simple,

"Hi... I'm E-Elliot..."

The guy looks at him and smiles a bit.

"Octavio. You can call me Tav if you'd like."

"Octavio... Cool name."

"Gracias, I would say the same but yours is actually pretty dull."

Elliot gives a laugh at the bluntness of this guy. Unharmed by the comment the two keep up the small talk, mostly about Psamathe and the beauty of all of it. Though Octavio spilled that most of it is just fake to make tourists feel like it's beautiful. By the end both guys were laughing with each other about Che's antics.

"Octavio, your social worker would like to speak with you."

A nurse swoops in and quickly ushers Octavio out of the room before the two could say goodbye. Elliot sat there in a comfortable silence until a girl comes up to him and smiles. The girl who had been accompanying Octavio to be exact.

"Cute huh?"


"I recognise the look when I see it. Ya think he's cute too."

"Oh yeah I guess so..."

"He's a bit of a heartbreaka if ya ask me. Been doin' it since we were five."

"So you know him?"

"He's kinda like a brotha to me. Great guy just terribly stupid with his decisions if ya can't already tell."

She smiles and offers a hand.

"Ajay Che. Nice ta meet ya."

Elliot shakes her hand with a smile gracing his lips.

"Elliot Witt at your service."

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