Chapter 5: Don't eat your greens

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AN: Hi Hi! I promise this fic isn't dead, I'm just really bad at updates! I forget it exists sometimes tbh
Anyways, just wanna clarify everyone's ages :)

Octavio - 17
Elliot - 18 (almost 19)
Natalie - 16
Tae -18
Renee - 17
Anita - 18
Marvin - 12
Loba - 19
Ajay - 17
Alexander Nox - 48
Mary Sommers - 37


"So, we meet again."

Octavio spoke from across their shared bedroom causing Elliot to look up at him. He couldn't look Octavio in the eyes, especially after all the things he dreamt of.

"Yeah, guess so."

Octavio sits up and gives Elliot a big smile.

"Well roomie, I dunno about you but I'm going adventuring."

"Yeah I guess I'll come with you."

Elliot gets up and heads over to the door and nearly walking out before realizing that Octavio wasn't behind him.
When he turns around he finds Octavio still sitting on his bed, hands on his knees as he stares at the floor.

"You coming?"

"Si, um... could you help me up?"
Elliot makes his way back over feeling a bit of sympathy for the guy in front of him. He had only dealt with a knee injury and that was a struggle, he couldn't imagine having to learn to walk all over again.
Octavio grabs the hand offered to him and stands, stabling himself quickly. He had been let out of the hospital early due to his quick recovery and quick learning. He could walk pretty well on his own now, with a few pitfalls to do with sitting and running but those would come with time.
However he still wouldn't meet Elliot's eyes, embarrassed that he had to ask for help at all.

Tavi takes a timid step before nodding and heading to the door.
The two boys make their way around the house starting with the parts they had already seen.

Renee and Marvin were sitting at the kitchen table plying cards, Go Fish from what Elliot could tell
Marvin had his cards clearly visible to Renee but she was playing as though she had no idea what he had.
As soon as Marvin saw the two he dropped his cards on the table and bolted to Elliot's side.

"Wanna play goldfish with us?"

"Go Fish."
Renee corrects him in the background.

Elliot smiles and shakes his head.

"I'd love to buddy but we've got all sorts of unpacking and familiz-fimilia-getting to know our way around."

Marvin keeps his big smile and rushes back to the table to keep playing.
Renee gives them a nod before continuing their game.

Octavio had wandered his way to the kitchen and was rummaging through the fridge.
There were labeled meals already made and sitting under name placards on each shelf of the fridge, all looking dubious at best.
None of these names match anyone that had been introduced in the house... maybe they did have animals.

"Well then... maybe no snacking..."
Elliot mumbles as he approaches. He shrugs and moves on, Octavio on the other hand cracked open a plate and snuck an apple slice before following.
They wander a bit more, the house was meticulously tidy with not even a crumb anywhere. It almost looked fake had there not been the various people sprinkled around the rooms.

Tae and Natalie sat on the plush brown couch in the living room just chatting as Tae played some sort of video game on his phone.
They were chatting about a.... microchip?
Elliot frowned. Did the house have a dog or something? He hadn't seen any trace of one, plus Mr.Nox didn't exactly seem like an animal kind of person, but who knows.

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