Chapter 2: Elliot Witt

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Chapter 2: Elliot Witt

Elliot sat silently in his hospital bed. He had pushed his call button a few minutes ago with seemingly no result. His body ached and all he wanted was his mom. He felt childish in a way for such a basic need but it was there, especially since he didn't recognize why he was here, and where were his brothers or his mom?

The door opened beside him, making him look at the nurse who had just entered. The guy smiled at Elliot as he moved over to his bed, he asked the same basic questions to test his memory, but before they could get through it all Elliot interrupted.

"Is my mom okay? My brothers?"

The nurse frowns.

"I'm sorry Mister Witt but your mother was taken to the Gaea Lily care facility, from the crash she has yet to regain her memory and needs help to learn her basic abilities again. And from what I have been informed I am deeply sorry but your brothers both passed in the wreck."

Tears fill his eyes as Elliot dwells on the words he had just heard. His heart ached as memories of his mother and brothers in the car with him. They were on their way home from his high school graduation when there was a loud horn then nothing. His brothers had died. His mother having lost her memory. And here he was, alive and well.

Elliot attempts to get up but the nurse stops him.

"Please don't move Mister Witt. Your knee is still healing."

A knock sounds at the door that draws the attention of both men. A tall slim redhead stood at the doorway to the hospital room.  She was younger than his mother but not by much, her eyes were warm and welcoming. Just seeing her made Elliot want his mother even more.

"Sorry to bother dear, is now an okay time for me and Mister Witt to talk?"

She smiles softly and offers a hand to shake.

"My name is Dr. Mary Somers. I'm your social worker."

"Social worker...?"

"Aye. While your mother is healing, I will be finding you a stable home and family until your mother is better or you can get on your feet with a stable space."


Elliot fidgets with his fingers, picking at the skin around his nail. Reality setting in hard. A new family, a new home.

"Where will I be going?"

"You'll be transferred to Gaea where you'll be staying with the Nox family."

"So, no more Solace..."

"Sorry dear. Not until we can find you a safer environment than the one you're in."

All Elliot could do is nod.

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