Chapter 4: The Nox family

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Chapter 4: The Nox family

Octavio hums as Elliot plays with his hair, the green locks were soft and silky. The boys were laying together on Elliot's childhood bed, both comfortably watching a horror movie. Elliot was comfortable until he felt Octavio's slender fingers slide under his shirt and down his abdomen. Elliot jumps a bit and glances at the guy beside him, Octavio met his eyes through his lashes with a sly smile playing on his lips. His hand dips below the band of his sweats.
Elliot gasps out as Octavio's hand wraps around him.


Elliot jolted awake as Mary opens taps his shoulder. She offers a kind smile to him from the driver seat of the car. Elliot covers himself quickly in hopes that she wouldn't notice the tightness of his pants.

"Dear we're here."

Elliot glances out the window and the view of a mansion fills his vision. It was beautiful but Elliot couldn't help but find it kind of eerie. The house may have been beautiful, the white stucco stuck out against the greenery of the forest behind the house. However, the grass and flowers around the house itself were dead and brown, like they hadn't been cared for in years.

"Uh... could you give me a second...?"

"Of course dear. I'll grab your bags."

As soon as Mary exited the car Elliot tried to calm his raging boner. What the fuck was wrong with him? He met the guy for like ten minutes and had already had multiple dreams about Tav, not all of them clothed. He shakes it off, probably just desperate for some. It's been too long since he's gone to bed with someone other than himself.
Naked grandma, naked grandma, naked grandma!
Elliot slowly calms himself and exits the car.
Mary smiles as he walks up to the door with her. She knocks and the door opens immediately. There stood a girl around Elliots age, she had a big smile that matched her innocent look. She had big innocent eyes and short blond hair the suited her features. She was cute but not really his type.

"Oh salut! You must be the new addition!"

She smiles brightly and gestures them to come inside. A man comes down the main stairs with a cup of coffee in his hand and a clear plastic apron on. His hair was slicked back and matched up with his messy beard. He comes up to the trio and offers a hand to Mary.

"Doctor Summers. And you must be Elliot Witt."

Elliot nods and smiles awkwardly. The man who he was guessing was Mister Nox called for the other members of the family to come down to meet the new addition.
There were six of them there including the cutie who answered the door. They were each introduced by Mr. Nox, he was stern but polite when speaking each of their names.

Natalie was the one who answered the door, she seemed to be the one closest to Mr. Nox. He came off to be very protective of her, as far as Elliot could tell she may be his biological child? She was quiet and seemed to have a bit of trouble with social interactions but was pretty great with her puns.

Loba was a sight for sore eyes, she was a curvaceous young woman, she had a sharp tongue and determined eyes. She was flirty with Elliot which he awkwardly reciprocated. What can he say? She was hot and he needed a distraction.

Tae was the silent type, he barely acknowledge anyone in the room. He sat near the back of the group only bothering to look up from his phone when his name was called. It bothered Elliot a bit but he chose to ignore it.

Renee was another quiet one but she came out with some pretty good one liners. She still wasn't very social though, she mostly just stared. It was like she was staring into his soul, reading every one of his secrets. Kinda freaky.

Anita was probably the most serious of them all. She was polite and somewhat friendly. The way she stood straight and kept appropriate distance from all those around her. She shook Elliot's hand firmly when they were introduced.

Marvin was the youngest of all of them. While everyone was around the same age, he was only around twelve. He was so excited to meet Elliot, already calling him his friend. He was pretty tall for his age, half hair with little steaks of blue and an everlasting smile that could brighten up the world of the saddest person.

When everyone was introduced, Alexander Nox and Dr. Summers wandered to the kitchen to finish up the last few papers, leaving Elliot alone with his 'new family'.  They all exchanged some small talk, Marvin, or as he soon learned was nicknamed Path after he got lost in the woods when he was first brought into the home, was glued to his side the whole time.

When the papers were finished Elliot had to say goodbye to Dr. Summers and then he was left with a bunch of strangers. Great. Now that was stressful.
Loba helped him bring his things to his new room, once they got there Loba closed the door and shoved him against it.


Elliot stares at her in surprise as he felt her knee fall between his legs. She keeps her arms at each side of his head.

"L-Look, at least buy me dinner first..."

"Shhhhh... he keeps cameras in the rooms. He can read lips."
She mumbles and minutely nods back towards the camera she was covering both their faces from.
Elliot stares at her in shock.


"You don't wanna stay here sweetheart. He's not a nice man, get out while you can."

She pulls away and leaves quickly. Elliot stands there in shock before glancing at the corner of the room and with a close enough look he could see the glimmer of a camera. He nods and just starts unpacking. Was Mr. Nox really a bad man? The camera thing was definitely unsettling.

Within a couple of hours Elliot had all his stuff set up in his room. He sighs and lays back on his bed. Finally some time to relax and take all this in. The down time didn't last long as he could hear Mr. Nox calling them all down. Elliot gets up slowly and exits his room, he catches up to Renee as she casually walks towards the stairs.

"What's going on?"

"Hell if I know Witt."

The two head down the stairs together in silence they meet up with the group as another man is seated on one of the couches in the living room. He was signing some papers with Mr. Nox, he had a suit on and his hair slicked back. When everyone was there Mr Nox looks up from his writing.

"We have another guest. Witt you will have to share your room as Silva's room is not ready yet. He was not expected out of hospital for another month."

Silva... why did that sound familiar...
As if on queue a very familiar face came in through the front door, Octavio.

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