Chapter 5 : Lost

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Everyone returned home. Well, everyone apart from Maria and Sophie. Sylvia and Aliana took them to the Delmar Mansion. Sylvia wasnt focused on the situation around her. She had been focused on th eplans that the vampire. Liam was his name Ashely had told her. The plans that Liam had for her and Luke. Sophie and Maria had been bandaged and were now sleeping in some of the hundreds of spare rooms. Sylvia was tired but now she had to find Luke. First she needed to know how. Luke could have changed his name lots of times. He could be constantly on the run. She fired up her laptop but whilst it was loading Sylvia realised that he wasn't going to be that stupid. Luke wasn't going to have any record of his existence on the internet.

Sylvia pulled out her books instead. However her only options were to look at tracking, astral projection and magic. She knew tracking was not going to happen when it came to Luke and magic was only avalible to her in a month when she turned eighteen.

Astral projection was her best hope. She had done astral projection once and then it had been the other person that had brought her to the place.

She placed a candle on each side of her bed. Lit them. Then began her chant  in Latin 

Per vires unius

Tolle in statum

Ubi mentes collisae

Et simul mentes nostras applicabit

In statum somnium

During the chant she knew that the voice was not her own . It was Luke's.

Well, this is intresting. Everywhere was white. Not completely but it looked white but Sylvia could also see that it looked they were moving. Fast. "Luke?" Sylvia asked warily. She needed to know that it was definatlety him before she revealed any of her plans. Sylvia knew that Luke (If it wqas Luke) was unsettled. His mind wasn't calm enough to keep the place they were grounded.

"Sylvie? Is that you?" Luke called wearily as if he had been running. "Yes." Sylvia said now worrying why he was so out of breath. She loved Luke. Nothing had ever happened between them though. Since they were 15 when they first met they had been nothing but friends and now one year later they were the best of friends that had been seperated. "Sylvie, it's Luke. Why are you calling me? We aren't supposed to have contact." Luke (now definatley Luke) sounded confused, happy and scared. Sylvia looked around again. Where is he? "Why are you running?" She asked letting concern fill her voice. "And I don't care. I'm declaring war on the vampires."

"I am running from the hunters and from that I am guessing that the vampires followed you?" Luke had always warmed towards her. "No" He said "Not without me! But i won't bring the Hunters to you."

"Come when you can, i'm in Sunrise Valley."

"Shouldn't that be safe from vampires, and Sylvie don't give up. No matter what. I will lose the Hunters and come to you but during that time it takes stay safe and keep up hope within your friends."

"What if I can't?" Sylvia whispered doubting herself.

"You have always kept my hope up, goodbye and please help me find the necklace." Luke said. Sylvia's heart fluttered. The way it always did when he complimented her like that. After the intial shock of the compliment what he meant by the necklace.

She reopened her eyes. The sun was breaking out over the clouds. Sunrise. Sylvia had been in Astral projection all night.

Sylvia walked down stairs in time to see Maria, she was dressed like she was going out and was sneaking towards the door."Going somwhere?" Sylvia asked deliberately blowing Maria's cover.

"I was gonna go find one of Sophie's friends." Maria said. She looked at Sylvia. Sylvia shook her head. "No, if Sophie needs someone to be found then it will be done by me, you're to risky to let out at the moment." Sylvia told her. "Either you or Sophie are transitioning, we heard the starting scream." Maria looked confused. She like Aliana was from this town and not the home of the vampires. Slowly, Maria took of her coat and shoes.

"Haley Martin. She lives in university dorm 11." Maria told Sylvia. Sylvia nodded and then went into the kitchen. Made a coffee for them both and then asked Maria "Did the vamp bit you?" This was the key question because either of the girls could have been bitten and Sylvia only knew that Sophie had for certain. "No!" Maria gasped. As Maria's mind went back into a state. Sylvia recognised this as she had gone into state's like this many times. She walked over to Maria and placed a hand on her shoulders. "It's alright. You're safe now. I'm not gonna let them hurt you while you are here." Thus were the words that Luke and her mother had said to Sylvia, the words that had kept her feeling safe whenever someone was hurt. 

 Maria looked her in the eye and in that single moment she realised why Sylvia was so protective. She realised why she was scared and why she had not wanted to rescue Sophie. It was because Sylvia had been put through this and probably worse. Maria had known she was scared but now she knew what of.

They both went into the living room. Maria turned on the tv to some reality tv show that Sylvia had never seen. Sylia went to get a book of the shelf. She skimmed the books for one that she hadn't read though if she wanted one she hadn't read she should probably go to the libary on the 3rd floor. "Maria, i'm gonna go and get a book from the libary. Will you be 'kay?" Sylvia said so that she didn't leave suddenly and Maria wouldn't panic when she didn't see her. "Yeah, sure but hurry. Please." Maria said. Sylvia noticed that she was still shaking slightly.

The libary like everywhere else was massive. It was filled with pretty much any book that ever existed. She searched for 10 minuetes solid to try and find a good book. Sylvia had brought a shelf worth of books with her from the Moonlight Mountains. So she gave up and went to check out her own books. After skimming through them all she decided to look at an old prophecy book.

When she returned to the living room Maria had fell asleep on the sofa. Sylvia decided to sit in the armchair. As she opened her book to a random page to find a prophecy a picture of a beautiful necklace/ amulet fell out.

It was of the black diamond of power and darkness. It had a silvThe pendeer chain that shimmed with magic to represent peace. The prophecy was of her or at least somone much like her.The prophecy read:

When the necklace is worn by the correct wearer. The wearer of Peace, Power and Darkness. They shall be granted eternal power. She will be born when the two moons aline. She will lead a revoloution and destroy all creations of darkness. She shall have the strongest power and will be alined with 7 others and together they shall rule. After a diastours path and a eventful life on her eighteenth year she will have the rule of the land. The necklace shall be found in the place of morning and sun. Under the latch of Delmar's Basement.

It was a shorter prophecy than most. She remembered when she was a little kid and that everyone had always said it would be her. She was the one it was about. Sylvia knew that the necklace was lost and now she knew where to find it. She knew that her mother had kept it safe. It was in the basement of the Mansion here in Sunrise Valley.

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