Chapter 7: Inside

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Sylvia and Maria looked through the dark and creepy hall that leads to the pendent. Well, that she thought should lead to the pendent.

Sylvia's heart was racing, was it finally time to be the child of the prophecy. Was it really time to lead the world against evil? The answer to that could be just down thi9s hall. Sylvia had always put on a brave face when it came to the prophecy but she had always been scared of it. Would the power be too much to handle or would it be enough? She wasn't ungrateful to have the opportunity to do this. It was the one thing all of her life that she had wanted. To be a true leader. To remove evil from the world.

Maria saw Sylvia hesitating and from the prophecy that Sylvia had explained to her she had every right to. Besides who knows the traps and tests that could be lurking down that hall. Maria wasn't the type of girl who would even usually think about going down the hall but as she could clearly see that Sylvia could use as much support as possible or she might just snap. First the guy that she clearly had a massive crush on makes out with her cousin and then she finds out she is soon going to be a big part in a prophecy sooner than she thought.

"Are you ready to take a look?" Maria asked Sylvia with comfort and sympathy in her voice. Sylvia looked her in the eye and nodded. Looking into Sylvia's eyes it was clear that she scared, upset and lost. Sylvia's face was however calm and composed. Maria smiled a small smile she knew that Sylvia was great at covering her pain and emotions but her eyes always told the true story behind them. Looking deeper into Sylvia's eyes Maria realized that it wasn't just bad emotions. She could see she was nervous but excited and proud that it was nearly her time to shine.

Maria went to enter but Sylvia grabbed her shoulder. "Wha...." Maria started but Sylvia interrupted her. "We're gonna need a torch if we're gonna see." Sylvia said smiling. Maria blushed how could she have been so stupid? They were going to need to see.

Getting a torch from the shelf. They walked back to the entrance as Sylvia's breathing became faster again. Get a hold of yourself Sylvie, you have wanted this your whole life don't let it get the better of you now! Oh, great, now I am talking to myself. A smile slid across Sylvia's face. It was only small but it was enough to compose herself long enough to take a step into the tunnel.

Nothing happened on the first step but Sylvia knew that she wasn't just going to be able to walk into the hall and have the pendant handed to her. Maria met her eyes and nodded as she took a step further into the tunnel.

Suddenly, the tunnel became full of candlelight. Maria and Sylvia jumped at the sight. So much for the torch. Sylvia thought whilst rolling her eyes as she switched her torch off. Maria then took a step towards Sylvia and entered the tunnel also. The door behind them slammed shut with a loud bang. Reflexively, Sylvia pulled her hands to her ears whilst Maria ran to the door and tried to open the door. "It's locked!" Maria gasped. The temperature dropped as the words left her mouth. Maria shivered. She was used to warmth. Sylvia sighed this was still warmer than hell. Believe it or not some parts of hell were ice cold whereas others were so hot she felt like she was going to explode. "Let the trials begin." she said gaining a confused look from Maria.

"Ya didn't think that it was just gonna be handed to us did ya?" Sylvia said smiling as her old accent came through yet again. Realization hit Maria and she slapped her hand against her head. She bit her lip and shook her head. A small laugh escaped Sylvia's lips. Maria's eyes went wide as Sylvia never laughed. "Come on!" Sylvia laughed. Her laugh sounded like angels singing or bells chiming. In other words it was just a goddamn beautiful sound.

A small shadow of a person appeared in front of them and walked in-front of them. It started to move down the corridor. Sylvia started to follow the shadow but Maria grabbed her arm. "We're not gonna get anywhere by standing here." Sylvia stated and continued to follow as Maria looked around anxiously before walking with Sylvia.

They walked on as they began to hear whispers like the wind through the trees. Then the shadow disappeared as they turned the corner. when they had turned they saw a grand almost castle like door. Around the edges it had golden snakes wound into each-other. It had a black knife over a bowl next to it and the door had a majestic feel around it. However, that was not what caught Sylvia and Maria's eye. what it was was the deep red liquid running down the door that said "Hall Of Nightmares" "Is that....." Maria started. "Yes, it is" Sylvia interrupted knowing what Maria was talking about.

They fumbled with the door but they couldn't find a handle or a lock. Sylvia only then noted that there was a black knife and a bowl. She took a deep breath and reminded herself that it would not hurt as much as being tortured day after day in hell. She lifted her hand up and brought it back down onto the blade. Her blood was thick and deep. It showed up on her pale skin as it dripped drop by drop into the bowl. Sylvia assessed her cut. It was deep. Probably going to need stitch's but she would deal with that later. right now the door needed to open.

Maria was still fumbling with the snakes on the door without noticing what Sylvia was working on. The snake she touched hissed and slowly slivered away from the door leaving it more free to swing open. Slowly all of the other snakes followed this ones pattern. By the time that they were out of the way so that all it would take only a slight push on the door to open it, Maria was shaking.

Sylvia pushed on the door and slowly it swung open. Maria's eyes snapped up as she caught a glimpse of read on Sylvia's hand. Syliva wiped her hand on her jeans and noticed Maria staring at her hand. "I had to get the door open." she sighed. "Come on" She continued lookin up at the Hall of Nightmares.

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