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Niall POV

'I'm not coming, sorry Niall.'

That's what every one of them said. Seems it was supposed to be a surprise from the management to us, but everyone had plans. Liam, Louis and Zayn had scheduled calls with their girlfriends, while Harry had a call scheduled with his family. They hadn't been up all night talking with their family in the plane last night, because they decided to talk now. I had to do it last night because the rest of my family is going on a road trip. How I loved those road trips, it's a shame I can't do it now, I'm afraid the tree I'd be leaning on will be a camouflaged paparazzi person, ready to jump to life and serenade me with personal questions.

Shaking my head to get that image out of it, I went back to Harry; he was the only one whose call might at least finish at 9; though the gala starts at 8. 'Harreh, please come! I can't go alone!' He snickered, 'You aren't going alone, remember? Addison's going to be there.' He said, in a singsong voice. 'Well, yeah. Probably with her boyfriend. Besides, what am I gonna do?' Harry thought for a second, 'If she's going to be there with her boyfriend.. then you are going to be there with her!' I sighed, 'I give up.' Zayn heard me, he always does, if I'm even the tiniest bit disheartened, 'Come on man, she's a nice girl, she isn't going to shut you out and even if she is with her 'boyfriend' you could just have dinner and rush back. All she wanted you to do was attend, right?' He had a point. Mainly because he mentioned food, but he had a point, I'd said yes and I wasn't going to go back on my word. 'Okay then, we've got half an hour until the gala starts..' Liam ushered me to the dressing room, 'Let's find something for you to wear.'

After 15 minutes, I stepped out wearing a suit; the only one Lou carried for me, just in case. She'd come down to help me with my hair as well, and I was ready. With 10 minutes to spare, I heard a knock on the door. Paul, probably. I went to open it, still running a hand through my hair.

'Wow.' Was all I could say. She, Addison that is, looked dazzling. Literally. Her dress was a shade of navy blue, dotted with sparkling jewels all over. As though she wanted to camouflage herself in the sky (I'm starting to think she was born there; she loves it so much). Her hair was in a pony, exactly the same as the rest of the day; front hair parted to the left and the rest tied up, high, at the back. Her ears glimmered with longer earrings, with the same stars, though. I couldn't notice much makeup on her face except for some eyeliner and a light dusting of eyeshadow, the same shade as her dress. Her lips were glistening with balm, but that was it. It was unbelievable how stunning she looked without even trying, her gaze was still fixed at point in somewhere to the left before she noticed that the door had been opened, and that I was standing there. A smirk lit her face up and she snapped her fingers in front of me, successfully pulling me out of my temporary stupor. 'Hello, Earth to Niall?' I blinked a couple times, 'Uh, hi.' I looked back at the boys, every single one of them were gaping at her. Ha. 'I didn't think you'd know your way to the field, so I thought I'd help you out. I get it you're ready to go?' She beamed after that.

'Yeah. I am.'

I turned back and winked at the awestruck boys. Zayn did a half-wave of sorts, and we left. Playing with the cuffs of the coat, 'So, are you going to be with someone else, for the gala?' She thought for a second, 'No, really. You're there so, that's that.' I looked up at the sky, it was seemingly clear just as she'd predicted. I was about to exclaim about it being the clearest a night sky could be, but thankfully Addison saved me from that embarrassment, 'The sky is clear, but not as clear as it could be. Completely clear sky is a very, very rare occurrence. I haven't seen one since.. ever, really. But I know that they occur, that's all.' She said, her voice filled with melancholy. 'Oh.' I replied, internally scolding myself for how lame I was being. 'But we will be able to see the meteors tonight, right?'

She nodded, 'Yup, meteors are bright enough.' We neared the field. It was a vast, open space, with the boundary fence way past 3 miles. Most of the field was filled with people, spread out, but definitely a lot of people. I could estimate about 500. Where they came from I had no clue, until Addison said, 'Most of them are from the advanced rocket development field, we call them the ARDs, never really friendly with the rest of us juniors; they keep calling us nosy, youthful brats.' I laughed at that, resulting in a chuckle from Addison too, because I got an instant image of the senior nearby waving his walking stick at Addison, screaming out those words.

'Dinner's starting, this way.' We sat at a table, and I saw Addison shooting the evil-eye at a couple smooching, very vigorously, if I might add. It seemed quite inappropriate, especially amidst such a large crowd. I wondered if Addison liked that guy, whoever it was. He didn't look half-bad really; jet-black hair that was gelled into spikes, his build bulky, and his body full of tattoos. He resembled Zayn in some ways, but his face didn't look as compassionate as my Zaynie. Besides he wouldn't be doing what he was. The girl he was kissing was short, and was very, curvy. She had a lot of makeup, and was making a very big deal out of their make out session. I turned back to Addison, her eyes still glinting malevolently.

I snickered, 'I take it, you like that guy.' She looked aghast, 'Oh gods no! What gave you that idea? I absolutely loathe both of them, but they're the only ones in my batch. So, I don't really have a choice but to make their acquaintance.' She said, her voice reduced to an angry hiss by the end. 'Oh, okay then. Any reasons..?' She took a deep breath, 'Emily's a rich, stuck-up snob. Andrew is a jerk, who says he likes me, but dates everybody else. And that's about it. 2 horrible people in a nutshell. Let's enjoy the food shall we?'  

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