See the Sea?

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I looked up from my book, the boys were heading to the shoot site. And, I must say, for a rush job, Louise had done great work on all of them. Niall had changed into a white shirt now, cleaner than the 'Crazy Mofos' shirt, because when he fell down-

*Le Time Skip*

I only bent down to give him a hand, who knew he'd slip again?! But, that moment was all that my eyes needed (I do blame them; I mean, why should my eyes be capable of absorbing and processing full images under 13 microseconds?). His face seemed soft, up so close, I could see the peachy, fuzzy coat of hair all over his skin. His hair, coloured blonde on top - but brown, original hair roots left below, was in the same charming quiff as always, and for some inexplicable reason, I'd felt a strong urge to run my hand through it. I think if I tried hard enough, to forget just that, I might. But, nope, it wasn't that simple because that wasn't the end of his beauty. No, no, no. He had to have eyes! He just had to! And they had to be the most amazing blue I'd ever seen. His eyes were It reminded me of the sea, perhaps my most favourite part of this planet; after the night sky, obviously.

I'd been to the ocean thrice in my whole, long, miserable life; but the ocean was what made it better. I made it a point to myself that I wouldn't go there, unless and until I was very very desperate. In buzzing city like New York, no one could ever see the night sky there, just study about it for days on end, on laptops and books, so the sea became my 2nd passion. I'd even applied for a degree in marine biology, just in case. The first thing I loved about the sea, was the rhythm. Every single wave followed the same meter, at a given time. If they made sounds louder than rustles, they would have easily made music. I liked the foam, the sand, the cool, saline air that always hung around that place. But most of all, I loved the colour. The blue reminded me of the night sky, but a little less intimidating, a playful version of my true passion. It gave me a sense of relaxation, peace from the hectic life I led. All my life was, at least at that time, was study, work, study, work. Constantly with no breaks, sometimes I didn't even have 2 meals a day. I went there only when I was desperate enough to spare a whole hour of my day on doing absolutely nothing; to relax. It had become the most precious thing of my life before I knew it. And now Niall had to trap it in his own eyes. The same colour; the exact same. What do you expect a girl to do when your most precious thing is with someone else? Well, I guess that person becomes the most precious to you now.

I tried focussing on my book. Which seemed impossible, so I started distracting myself in anyway possible. Soon, I was reading, tapping my foot according to the beat of a song I was humming and doing a finger exercise, at the same time. But I still wasn't going to forget his eyes anytime soon, so I tried focussing on the shoot. The boys seemed to be in position. Louis had pulled a funny face that Harry was laughing at. Liam and Zayn were chatting. Niall was jumping up and down like a little kangaroo. Aw. I was startled when Benny used his megaphone to blare out instructions to the boys, and re-buried my head in the book. For mere seconds, because then they began singing.

Their voices filled the dull atmosphere of the day. Ringing out in perfect harmony and strength in the silent hangar. The beginning was sung by Zayn, the tune was amazing even though I'd just heard a couple lines. Harry followed with the chorus and then Niall began singing.

He had the most beautiful voice I'd ever heard. Now, don't get me wrong, I'd heard that voice on Spotify more than a 100 times, but, I'm telling you, its a million times better in real life. His voice could change tones in seconds, at one moment it sounded like a sweet child's voice and the next it morphed into a hot, deep one, and yet again, it just changed to a heavenly, angelic one; I'm not saying it all happened in that song, but since, the boys were only lip-syncing he was doing- doing that. A random thought popped into my head; about how Harry said that Niall doesn't get as many solos because his voice makes girls pregnant. It'd seemed funny at that time, but, now? Whoa. I get what he meant. 

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