To my prides heart

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A thunderous love genuinely awakens me.

Due to state of where to where basis, opinionated minds and narrow-minded fallacious thoughts are on its way to impel one's abundant consideration.

A never been better situation have forged to cut the rope and to pull the narrow that have been dug  in blissful heart of lovers. A question that caught the attention of every single individual in this well rounded universe pointing out for love not for gender.

I agilely dashing through every falsified-poisoned streets where people eminent to. Hearing a lot of cacophony that shouts criticism with the soul of discrimination. A great fear rooming around my mind, it's a pitfall that burry me alive attacking our positive perspective of 'us'.

Passing through more alleys, carrying torment finding solutions on how to get rid of it—the discrimination upward the trajectory of mindsets. My left foot is swollen that makes me walk like a turtle, but as i walk slowly a peril is arguably inevitable, hearing 'abomination', 'never a son of God', 'your life is nothing', automatically stabbing my individuality: i am hoping that this is an the end of paradox.

Misconception among us are merely fallacious, we even called as promiscuous were in fact that all we wish in transparency is love. People, a black plum is as sweet as a white.

After a long walk of hurt, i am now in a final street, i'm not expecting to get home alive but mere die. Martyrdom pleasing my left foot to still stand talk and fight, because who would have thought that there's that cure on finial night.

Shining eyes, trembling knees, withering visage—a description of my own. After a long walk between life and death, in the end i found you, we found that someone, hugging us tight, kissing our forehead, a murmur of genuines. Who'll cure us despite the sinister look of society. A love to limelight.

Discrimination will never defeat love.