Chapter 1: 7 years ago

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This is in a made up town, and based off of the song 7 summers by Morgan Wallen

Today was a long day, I had the night shift at the diner. Ryan was somewhere in Tennessee, practicing for the race this Sunday. On top of working the night shift, I had a three page essay due tomorrow afternoon to my crazy English teacher, Mr. Rufus, or as everyone calls him, Mr. Doofus. I was just about to go on break, and begin my homework when I saw a familiar face waiting for me.

"Ry!" I laughed, running into his awaiting arms as he pulls me down to sit on his lap in the booth.

"Hey Bailey. How's your day been?" He asks, kissing me.

"I have a three page essay due tomorrow, and the night shift tonight. You tell me." I giggled.

"Well....I guess that means I can't distract you from you're homework."

"Oh, I don't mind." I smiled, kissing him one more time before getting him his usual.

"Hi Bailey!" I turned around and smiled.

"Hey Chase!" I hugged him hello, then guided him to Ryan's table.

"Night shift?" Chase asks.

"Yep." I chuckled. Ryan was giving Chase that, "Back off." look, even though I knew Chase didn't like me like that, and he was more of a friend. 'I'll get you your food, then I'll join you guys for break." I said awkwardly, walking away.

Chase's POV

"Dude, what the hell was that?" Ryan hisses.

"What?" I knew exactly what this was about.

"That's my girl you're flirting with."

"She ain't yours for long. You're leaving her, remember?"

"Oh, and what makes you think your gonna be with her all the time now? In case you don't remember, were moving up to Xfinity!"

"Look, I really think you're making a mistake converting all of your attention to your career. You know how much you mean to her."

"It's my life, I do as I damn well please, Clyde." Ryan hissed. It pissed me off that he was just abandoning her like this.

"You better tell her. Bailey at least deserves that." I sneered, getting up and leaving. 

Bailey's POV

I saw Chase walking out the door, and he didn't look happy.

"Where is he goin?" I asked, looking at Ryan. He looks at me and shrugs. I set down the plate and sat on the other side of Ryan. Jonah walks through the door and smiles at the two of us. 

"Bailers, I'll cover for you tonight. You covered for me the other day."

"You sure?" I questioned.

"Yeah." He smiles, "And I kinda owe you, you helped me with my physics class." He smiles sheepishly before disappearing into the back.

"Well...I guess I should make the most of tonight." Ryan takes a deep breath. What the hell did that mean?


"No, no, I mean it in a good way. It's been a long day." He chuckles. I smiled as we ate. After he takes me into the park. "I've got somethin I need to tell you." He says, sitting down at the picnic table.

"What's up?" I asked, happy to be with my amazing boyfriend.

"Well....Chase and I have been given the opportunity to....move up into Xfinity." He says.

"Oh, baby that's awesome!" I squealed, "Congratulations!" I sat on his lap and kissed him.

"But." He says, looking serious. "I made the decision to....focus all of my attention on my career." He says.

"'re leaving for how long?" I asked, standing up.

"I don't know. I'll come back! I will!" He says.

"You promise?" I asked softly.

"I promise." He says, taking both of my hands in his.

"How long are you here for?"

"Two more days."

"Oh. Okay." I pulled him into a hug. I had just felt my entire world turn upside down.


I had the day off today. Ryan and I spent the entire day together yesterday, now me and Chase were walking down town square. 

"I don't think I've ever seen you're mother so happy to see me." Chase chuckles.

"You're her favorite." I shrugged. 

"Isn't Ryan? Oh, he's your dad's favorite." 

"Not anymore."


"Don't play dumb, Chase. I know yall are leavin tonight." I started crying. Chase immediately hugged me. 

"He wasn't gonna tell you." Chase says softly. I pushed away and was furious at Ry.


"He was just gonna take off, I don't know why, but he wasn't even gonna tell you. I told him he should. I was so mad that's why I left." Chase says.

"Take me to the shop." I demanded. Chase doesn't say anything, I needed to go off on Ryan. Chase took me to Jonah's grandpa's auto shop, where I grabbed Ryan by his hand and dragged him outside.

"Nice to see you too-"

"What the he hell, Ry?"

"What?" He was confused.

"You were just gonna leave? Without telling me?" Ryan glared at Chase.

"No. Don't bring him into this. Eyes down here." I glared up at him.

"I kinda have to bring him into this. Why the hell would you tell her?" 

"You don't even defend yourself?" Me and Chase said at the same time.

"Secrets out now. Why did you tell her? To make me look like the bad guy, and you the good guy? Just admit it, you're jealous that you didn't have the balls to ask her out!"

"Ryan! What the actual hell?" I held his glare. "If you wanna leave, leave. I don't give a damn anymore." I started walking back home. Ryan followed after. 

"Bailey. I'm sorry. You wanna know why I didn't want to tell you?"

"That would be a great start." I crossed my arms.

"I couldn't bare to see that sad look on your face. Bailey, I really like you, and I didn't want you to cry like you did last night." 

"Why didn't you just add on to that last night?" I looked up at him.

"I couldn't. This is what's best for us. Be honest with yourself, Bailey. You were never gonna leave Backwater." He says. Ryan was right. I was never going to leave the one place that meant so much to me.

"I know." I started fidgeting with my hands.

"Bailey?" Chase came running up to us. "I should go back." He sees me and Ryan. 

"Promise me that you two will stay friends." 

"I promise."

"Promise me you'll come back."

"I promise." Ryan kissed my forehead and just like that he was gone. I had no idea when I would see him again.

Hi! So...uh...yeah. I hope yall liked this, it'll be sad, but it'll balance out with emotions.  Let me know what yall think, I love hearing from you guys!

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