Chapter 2: 7 Years into the Future

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Today was Jonah's Grandpa's birthday. So, I grabbed a T-shirt Chase sent me a couple of months ago. We both chipped in to buy the Bill Elliott shirt, and Chase even got his dad to sign it. I sent him a quick text.

Seriously Chase. Thank you. This means a lot to Jonah and his grandpa. And me.
12:34 pm

No problem😎
Tell him I said happy birthday
12:36 pm

Will do
12:37 pm

I would do anything I can to help you, you know that right?
12:38 pm

I know. I'm the same way.
12:39 pm

Look, I know you haven't been yourself. You haven't posted on social media in years. Please promise me your okay?
12:40 pm

Chase, I'm fine. And promises are meant to be broken.
I've got a party to get to. You have a race. Good luck by the way.
12:41 pm

12:42 pm

I quickly out my phone away, and grabbed the bag, and drove towards Jonah's house.

"Bailey!!" Jonah's Grandpa smiles, holding out his arms.

"Hey Frank! How are you?" I smiled, hugging him.

"I'm doing well, how are you?" I could tell he wanted to ask about Ryan, but I didn't want to.

"This is from Chase."

"And you." He says.

"Yes, and me." I smiled, handing him the bag.

"Jonah! Quit playin with your damn useless friends and say hello to Bailey!" Frank says, walking into the kitchen. I laughed.

"I swear he has no filter." Jonah says, hugging me. "Hey Bailers."

"Hi Jonah." I chuckled. Frank never did have a filter, but we loved him.

"Woah, who's that?"

"Shut it, Tyler." Jonah rolls his eyes.

"Not gonna happen." I asked as he came near me. I went into the kitchen and cut the cake for them, and kinda just picked at the cake.

"Bailey, is everything okay?" Jonah has been concerned about me lately.

"Yeah, why?"

"Usually you like cake."

"I'm fine." I fake smiled and started eating the cake.

"Did Chase text you, again?" Frank asks softly.

"He did. He says Happy Birthday."

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