~Chapter 9 ~

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Sorry for any mistakes

Chapter 9


I lay down on my bed. "What did you expect?" He turns around and faces me. "That you were still a shy girl. Not a girl who climbs down walls, runs through mazes and fights in the woods." I laugh and remember he still has other cuts I didn't cover. "Just wait here." He nods and I run out of my room. I go to the medical conpartment and grab a few bandages.

I slip back into my room and put the items on my bed. I get a cloth and dampen it. I grab his other arm and gedntly clean the blood. I do the same with his legs then I remove his bandage of the shoulder. I clean it as well then properly cover it with a bandage.

After I clean my hands I sit back on my bed.

"Why do you keep staring at me?" I ask him. He leans forward and kisses my cheek. "Thanks for treating my cuts." He stands up and leaves.


I wake up to my maids' faces. "Miss you woke up late." I groan and rub the sides of my eyes. "What's happening today?" They smile and hand me a dress. "You have to find out later." I groan and grab the dress. Its a dress that goes from aqua to white gradually. I wear it then my maids give me a pair of aqua heels. My hair is brushed and I wear my necklace.

I go downstairs and trudge into the dining hall for breakfast. Some food is placed in front of me and I eat as fast as I can. When I am done I head outside to look for everyone else.

When I get outside many stalls are set up on the palace grounds.

I find Thomas near a stall with swords and shields. "What's going on today?" He looks at me. "The people of your kingdom get to sell their items." I nod. I walk around the stalls and find a familar looking wood carving. "Mr Brione. These are amazing." He smiles at me and I pick  a carving of a sword in a rock. "I'll get this one." He nods and I hand him a few gold coins. He counts them then hands me a few back. "No keep them." He thanks me and I walk around some more.

I but a few items from stalls that aren't selling successfully then put them in ny room. I hold the wooden carving. Mr Brione is really talented.

Someone knocks on the door. I open it and Thomas stands there. "Is there somwething you need?" I ask. He hands me a little box. I open it amd  find a bracelet with a little sword and shield attached to it. "It reminded me of you and its a sort of thanks for everything you've done to help me." I take the bracelet out.

"Thanks Thomas." I hug him then put it on. "Don't expect me to be this nice all the time." I roll my eyes. "I never would have. Is there anything else you need?" He nods and I let him in.

"How long have you been practising in the woods?" "Since my thirteenth birthday. So three years."

"I really need to find out your weakness." He squints and tries to analyse me. "That will take you a while." I actually don't know my weakness since I can't watch myself. But for now I think its my shoulder.

"I saw you when you were holding Joanna." He looks up at the ceiling. "You're good with children." I did not expect that. "Uh thanks?"

"Are you going to have children of your own?" I shake my head. "I don't know if I even want to have a husband. Let alone have a child." He looks down and at me. Something flashes in his eyes but it disappears. "You don't want to get married to me later on?" He asks in mock hurt. "Well you definetely made it obvious you don't want to marry me." I cross my arms across my chest and narrow my eyes. "You said you would tell me what you actually meant." He told me he would but I haven't heard anything yet.

"Soon. But I am sorry." I turn away from him. "Yeah right." I say quietly.

"Why did you always tease me?" This question has been itching on my mind for the past few days. "It was the only way." I hear him say quietly. "Only way for what?" I stand up in front of him. "To make me think so lowly of myself. You told me I was a fat ugly girl. I wouldn't eat because what you said hurt me so much. I would hide away so no one could see me. You are the reason I had low self esteem for years. Did you ever say sorry across those eleven years? No. You never did. Tell me I am wrong. What was it the only way for then?" I shout at him. All my anger towards him that I kept inside me bursts out.

"You are so blind!" He stands up now. "Oh. So now I am blind? Just add that to the list!"

"You can't see it. Everyone else does." "Sees what? Please enlighten me!"

He narrows his eyes at me and glares. "It doesn't matter now. You are still too naive and oblivious." He leaves the room and slams my door.

I go to my window and sit on the sill. I pull my legs to my chest and look outside. Why is he so angry at me for something I don't know about?

I need answers. I have been through his taunting for eleven years. He can't leave with anger and leave me with nothing. I spot him with his sword striking at a wooden dummy.

I run outside and downstairs.

(A.N): Any ideas on who should be Thomas? I don't know who should play him. Should it be Max Irons??

IDK i'm so lost. A bit of a filler here. I promise I will put a bit more of Shane in it later on.

Do you guys like Shane more or Thomas???

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