~Chapter 10~

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I walk to Thomas and tap him on the shoulder. He turns around but when he sees me he turns back to his training.

"Thomas I need to talk to you." He sighs and stops hitting the wood. "What?"

"Why did you always hurt me?" He turns around with anger flashing in his eyes. "Can you just trust me to tell you when I can?"

I clench my fists. "Trust you? Is that even an option for me after everythung you've done. I don't even know why I bothered coming here to talk to you. I thought you might have changed but I was wrong by a long shot." I turn around and go back into the palace. Why is he so angry? Did I tease him, did I make him feel bad about.

Maybe I should visit Kat and Shane. Instead of changing I just go to the maze and take my time.

I walk through the woods and knock on the Brione's door.

Mrs Brione opens the door. "Oh Miss Alexia. Please forgive my appearance." I laugh as she tries to tame her hair. "No problem. Can I talk to Kat?'' "She's in the room over there." She points down the hallway. "Thanks Mrs Brione." I walk intot he room amd find Kat admiring the dress I gave her. "You should wear it." She jumps at my entrance and blushes. Shane is sitting next to her but he was looking at his sword.

"I don't want to ruin it." "You won't. It will look amazing on you." She smiles and walks towards me. "I will try it on now then." She walks past me to change and I look at Shane. "Did you practise last night?" He nods. "If you don't mind answering may I ask why you're here?" "I wanted  to get away from Thomas." His eyebrows knit together and his eyes narrow. "Did he do something to you?" I sit on the floor in front of him. "Ever since we first met he has." I say quietly. I look down at my crossed legs and stare at my shoes with hatred. 

"What does he do?" I look up at him and see pure concern in his eyes. I haven't known him for long but he is someone I consider to be a genuine friend. 

"It doesn't really matter." He puts his sword down and sits on the floor from his bed. "You can tell me." He grabs both of my hands in his and I meet his blue-green eyes.

"He just has been taunting me since we first met. That was eleven years ago. When I asked him today why he did it he got angry and snapped at me." He stays silent obviously not knowing what to say

"Do you want to practise?'' I say trying to change the subject. He nods. "I will go against you today.  But we will use branches instead of swords so no one gets hurt." He nods again and we exit the tiny room. I see Kat dusting off her dress.  I smile at her. She looks amazing.

"I told you it would look nice." She smiles and twirls around. "You look like the Princess now." "Thanks. Where are you two going?" She gestures between Shane and I. "Just to practise his fighting." I reply.

"In that dress?" I look down and remember I am wearing a dress still. "Can I borrow some of your clothes?" She nods. She hands me a pair of jeans and a navy blue shirt.

I change quickly then meet Shane again. "Can I watch?" She asks. I look at Shane and he shrugs. She smiles. "Where do you train? I can meet you there. I need to change first."

"The clearing near the maze." Shane answers. She nods and we walk out of the house.

Once we reach the clearing I find two decent sized branches we could use. "If you're doing really well I will quickly head back and grab my sword so we can fight properly." He nods and places his sword near a tree. We start circling each other and he is first to attack. He goes for my leg but I jump over it and go for his forearm. He blocks it and we clash together, our makeshift swords hitting each other hard. He goes for my arm but I easily deflect it and hit his thigh. His face contorts but he is quick to recover, leaving me with no time to do an attack.

He strikes and I dodge it then hit his shoulder. He keeps a blank face and  continues fighting back. I crouch down to dodge a hit for my shoulder then poke his ankle. He steps back a bit and I swiftly go behind him and put the stick around the front of his neck. He sighs and puts the branch down.

"You were very good. You learn extremely fast." I take my stick from around his neck and chuck it on the floor. I see Kat sitting with her legs cross.

She has an unreadable expression on her face. I ignore it and turn back to Shane. "I will be quick. Just let me run back so I can get a sword."

He nods and run to and through the maze as fast as I can. I look around and see no one there. I run to George's workshop. It would take much too long to get it from my room.

"Hi George." I greet as I walk into the room. "Hi Alexia." I spot a sword and go over to it. "Can I borrow this?" I look over at him and he nods. "You know you can borrow anything. Is it for that Shane guy?" I nod and he rolls his eyes. "Not for him. I an going to do a small fight against him to see how well he gets it." He nods again. "Okay." I go to him and hug him from behind.

"Thanks George." I see a small smile crack on his lips and I smile. I let go and walk out with the sword in my hand.

No one.

I sigh and run across the grounds and into the maze.

I run through the green hedges until I reach clearing.

Kat and Shane are sitting against a tree. Kat is looking at something in the sky whereas Shane has his eyes closed. 

I quietly creep over to the tree I keep my targets and swipe my spare dagger then hide behind a tree.

I lean out a bit and aim for a spot just above their head. I throw the dagger and it hits just a bit less than an inch away from their heads. They jump from the noise. Shane looks around and I go back behind the tree. 

"Shane, make sure you keep holding your sword." I hear Kat's worried voice. I remeber that I have another dagger and grab it from the tree. I lean out ever so slightly and when they turn around to look if anyone is there I throw it. Since I first threw it they stood up and the blade hits the trunk of the tree right inbetween Kat and Shane. I go back behind and hear them moving closer. I pull out the sword in my other hand and position it in front of me. I see the end of Shane's sword then I walk out from behind the tree. I point the sword at Shane and walk closer, he steps back. "You sure you want to point that sword at me?" I ask. 

"Sorry," He lowers his sword and his gaze. "I thought someone else was here." 

"I just wanted to see your reaction. You did good, but one thing." He looks up. "Your sword was too much in front so someone could easily see you and either run away or hurt you unexpectedly." He nods and puts his sword away.

"Are you really a Princess?" Kat asks, her ees widen and she jumps behind Shane when she realises what she said. "I mean, you_" I laugh and wave it off. "Believe me, you would make a much better royal than I ever will."

She leans out from behind Shane. "You're not angry?" I shake my head. "I like jeans not dresses, I like swords not tiaras and I like sneakers not heels. You pretty much asked a very reasonable question. But I am one and it has its benefits at times." 

"Did you go through the maze?" She asks, I nod and look behind me. "Do you want me to show it to you?" She nods and walks along side me. She drags Shane along and we walk to the. When we reach the high green walls of the maze I turn to her and Shane.

"Do you want to see the palace?"

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