~Chapter 2~

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The long dining table is full with chatter at lunch. "I heard that the guards spotted an intruder near the rose gardens but they escaped through the maze." My mother says trying to get everyone's attention.

"But how?" My twin brother asks. "I hardly know anyone that can actually exit the maze." He says.

"That's what worries me." My father speaks up. "The maze is supposed to be one of our main security services. But now that someone is aware of how to escape it, we may no longer be as safe as we want."

"Alexia, you know your way don't you?" My brother Anthony asks. "What is at the end of the maze?" Everyone diverts their gaze to me.

"I do know my way around the maze, but I have only exited once." I lie. "It exits into the deepest part of the woods, the trees are so close together that you can barely walk through." Lies again.

"I don't like it there so I never go anymore. It has an eerie feeling to it. Like someone is watching you." I say.

When did I become such a liar? Oh yeah, ever since I made that staircase on the wall.

"Do you think someone can survive there?" My brother asks curiously.

"Maybe for a day or two but when I was there, I never saw any animals or plants they could and I didn't see any water anywhere. It doesn't seem likely for that person to have gotten away." I reply in a technical tone. My brother has an emotion spread on his face that I can't decipher. My father nods along with other knights and nobles who are sitting on the table.

"Lady Alexia," Sir Jon says. "If it is so hard to direct yourself around the maze, isn't there still a chance they could be stuck in the maze?"

If the so called intruder wasn't me I would've said that it is most likely to be the case. I don't know how to respond so I just nod.

"I want to send a search party into the maze. Alexia dear, you wouldn't mind leading them through would you?" My father asks. I caused all this commotion so I might as well help and go along with it, even though I know they will never find this person.

"Of course father." I reply. "Very well. You best be off. It won't be as safe if you go at night."

With that ny father's best knights stsnd up and I quickly follow.

When we get to the rose gardens I looks around me. My favourite rose bush has finally bloomed, the light blue rose.

We all walk to the hedge maze and start walking. I lead them through knowing that they won't find anyone.

We have been walking around this maze for two hours when Sir Jon makes a proposal.

"Your majesty I think they escaped into the woods. Probably by chance." I nod. "Thank you for your work today."

They bow then we exit. Its already sunset by the time we reach the large golden doors if the palace.

As soon as I am left alone, I run to my room and close the door behind me.

All three of my maids are there cleaning imaginary dust on the chairs and tables.

They curtsy. "Did you have any luck milady?"  Christine asks. "No. They seem to have gone into the depths of the woods."

I go to a nearby window wishing the sun would set faster.

"You can rest for the rest of the day. You have been helping me so much that I don't know how I can repay you." They nod, curtsy then leave, then gently close the door behind them.

I have never tried going out this early but I will get some more time to practice. Deciding that I should leave now I change into the usual clothes of commoners then retrievey sword.

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