Chapter 1

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Cameron was your best friend since you were in 1st grade, but it was getting harder and harder to talk to him now. He was basically famous now on Vine. You couldn't even remember the last time you guys talked. You both went to them same high school and were always seen together,but lately that hasn't been the case. You wanted the old Cam back, the one who didn't care about how many revines and likes he got or if he was considered the most popular kid at school. You wanted the Cam that always sat next to you at lunch and could care less if he even got one revine. You and Cam would tell each other everything. It was a drag now and days without him, you were barely even functioning the right way. Today at lunch, you decided to say hi to him. As soon as the fourth period bell rung you were out of your seat and to your locker in a matter of no time. You never ate at lunch because you didn't like to eat in front of other people. But today you brought a granola bar to look as normal as possible when you were going to say hi to Cam. You walked down the stairs and made your way to the cafeteria. You discreetly looked around to see what table he was sitting at today. You let out a small moan when you saw he was sitting with the popular girls, you slowly started to turn around but then just decided to do it. You walked up to the table, at first he didn't see you, but one of the other girls did. "What do you want you ugly fag?" She said in her high pitch voice. It took all the strength you had in your body to not punch her in the face, somehow you managed not to. "I'm just here to say hi to my friend so get a life." The girl seemed surprised by what you said and you were to, you never stood up to anyone, especially a POPULAR girl
. By then Cam had noticed you and hadn't said anything. "Hey," I said shyly. "Hey," he replied back without even looking at me. The blondie that you were talking to early opened her big mouth."Do you want her to leave?" She asked Cam. I looked at him right in the eyes without trying to cry. "Yeah," he said. Without glancing back you stumbled through the lunch crowd and into the bathroom. Thankfully there was no else in there. You looked in the reflection of the mirror and saw someone worthless. Locking the bathroom door, you cried your heart out. It was the first time in a long time that you had cried this hard. I guess I was just realizing something you should've realized a while ago, he no longer cares about you.

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