⛄️ 🎄 Christmas Update! 🎄 ⛄️

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I know it's not Christmas yet but I have to say something for future chapters! 

These next chapters will be Christmas related stories and scenarios. And as a lovely gift for me to you some chapters will include 🍋 & 🍈. 😏 

But before I do Christmas stories I'm going to be doing five chapters for the five Nordic countries and guess what? There all going to be limes 😳😏. Or maybe Lemons. 

And after that I'll be doing the Christmas chapters. I want to do as many chapters before I go on vacation because I'm going to near my family a lot and I don't want to make chapters with them around. I don't hate me parents but I love my privacy. 

But like I said in my last chapter I'll be very busy from now till actually next Saturday not a Friday. 

I'll make as much chapters as I can before I head out. And thank you all for 200+ reads! 

Wow! I love you all! 

And a huge thank you to all that requested a story! I'm still accepting requests! 

More chapters on the way!- Mouse ❤️

Hetalia OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now