'Accidental' Cuddles pt. 2 | TexaCali

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California had been woken by a loud crash.

He sat bolt upright, trying to rub the sleep out of his eyes. Blinking slowly, he tried to make out shapes in the dark. Oh god, what if it was an intruder! A murderer here to kill them all and- oh nevermind it was just Texas, coming back from whatever he'd been doing all day.

Cali layed back down, trying to calm his racing heart from the sudden scare and closed his eyes. Dammit, now he was wide awake. Thanks Texas.

After a bit he could hear footsteps. He hoped that idiot hadn't cleaned up glass in the dark.

At least he was going to bed now.

The footsteps made it's way towards him, and the couch. He could hear the TV turn on and start flipping through channels, and a dip in the couch beside him. God fucking dammit Texas just go to bed.

After a few minutes, the TV turned off. He'd been spotted.

California didn't really know why he did it, maybe  it was because of the way his heart speed up when Texas was around, or him wanting to be closer to Texas in spite of him being such an ass, but before he could think, his arms were around Texas's waist. He was cuddling him.

He couldn't supress the small smile that found it's way on his face. Lucky for him though, it didn't give him away.

"Can't really move now, huh" he was able to make out the faint muttering. Maybe now Texas would sleep

Silence, and then

"Guess you are kinda cute, huh poppy"

He screamed internally. Poppy? Texas had never called him that before, at least not to his face. California was glad it was dark or Texas could see him turn bright red

Then Texas ruffled his hair. Texas of all people! Cali's mind went blank, he couldn't think. How could Texas be so soft?!

"Might as well get some shut eye if I'm stuck here for the next bit"

Well at least he was sleeping

"Goodnight pretty boy"

Cali responded faintly "Goodnight Texas"

A/n: I swear these won't all be fluff I just have some DC x Florida angst I've been avoiding

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