part 11

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february 7, 2020
-dj and bri are sitting in the cafeteria before their first class-

"darlos has been leaving you alone, right babe?"

"yeah, everything's been okay. it's hard though. i don't get how we could go from being such close friends to nothing. but he's such a different person now i don't think i want to be friends with him." bri sighed.

"it's taking everything in me to not beat the shit out of him." dj started getting heated.

"hey dj," she looked him in the eyes. "it's not worth it. plus, everything's starting to calm down now. there's no point in starting drama again, okay?"

"yeah, you're right. i'm sorry."

dj put his hand on bri's leg to comfort her, but it just reminded her of what happened with darlos. it was only once, but once was enough. why was she letting him control her? why can't she just enjoy her boyfriends love? why can she only think about how much he made her uncomfortable? why.

"bri, you okay?"

"yeah sorry. just dazed off for a second. i gotta get to class, catch you later."

bri walked into bio, her only class with darlos. it was the class she dreaded the most. she kept her head down, and tried to draw the least attention to herself. she took a seat and waited for the professor to start talking.

"good morning period 1. welcome to class. today i will be assigning a new group project. you will be in pairs of 2&3 and we will be officially working on this starting next week. all the instructions will be in the packet that i hand out. the groups will be: Leonard Almando and Alex Daminguez. Rachel Hartson, Francine Garrison, and Nicolette Benzon. Darlos Darillo, Mary Wilson, and Brielle Lynn..."

bri's heart dropped. she glanced over at darlos from across the room and he winked at her. this could not be happening. she already requested a change but they got paired again? what the fuck? at least there was a third person in the group...

"oh yes, i forgot to mention Mary isn't here so Darlos and Brielle, you're gonna be a group of two.

of course.

"With the rest of today's time you will meet with your groups and start planning your projects!"

darlos went up to the teacher asking if his group could work in the hall so they could "focus better" bullshit. he waved over at bri motioning her to follow him, so she did, but first she stopped at the professor's desk.

"Mrs. Bruno, can i please switch groups? i don't wanna be with darlos."

"i'm sorry but the groups have already been made. you'll just have to deal with it. i always have students asking to switch groups cause they have a problem with somebody in them."

"but it's not that. i just-"

"just go in the hall and start working." the professor ordered.

wtf is wrong with this teacher. bri couldn't believe it. she sluggishly made her way to the door.

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