Lame. Excuses for me being missing for over a month

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Well I've been a mess and I forgot this existed
Out power went out for about 3 weeks at the very end of October and part of November so we didn't have WiFi
And I myself am a wreck. I have gotten 10 hours of sleep max in the past up hours and I have been up for over 36 hours rn so that's fun
(Mini rant that you can just skip) TW if you need to,skip to the end of this chapter
And I relapsed on sh again after a whole month clean, not that I can tell my therapist that (I'm a minor) and I just learned that I do in fact have trauma but I didn't know cause of like memory loss and not counting this such as people that I was close to dying every other year at least as trauma
And my dumbass self didn't put my preferred name on my school enrollment papers when there was even a spot for it cause I was scared of my mom
And I stopped eating again (cause I'm dysphoric and don't want boobs and thanksgiving happened)
But according to my therapist I'm doing a lot better (cause they interrupt me when I try talking about legitimately important stuff) so I must be totally fine

So, the actual point of why I made this:
If anyone wants me to update this story still, let me know (or if they have things they want to be included in the story)

an angsty Camp Camp Dadvid fic that I cant think of a title forWhere stories live. Discover now