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Idk if anyone's gonna read this but here goes
I'm going to start putting individual trigger warnings on each chapter
TW- self harm
If you are thinking about harming yourself, please talk to a trusted friend or adult. If neither of these options are accessible, please consider calling a hotline if necessary. If you do self harm, remember to frequently clean your wounds and blades to prevent infection. By writing this I am not condoning self harm - I personally believe that if someone is going to harm themselves, they will find a way to do so, so I want to make sure that they stay as safe as they can despite still harming themselves if you get what I mean - there may be small notes on bandaging or cleaning etc. please stay safe!

Max walked into the bathroom quietly making sure to lock the door after checking if anyone was already in the bathroom. He threw his bag on the counter and rummaged through it until he found what he was looking for: a razor.
'Neil was asking a lot of questions about my scars. I should be careful to make sure he doesn't find out. If he does, he won't want anything to do with me' Max thought to himself.
Razor in hand Max pulled down his pants and slowly slid the razor across his thigh.
You don't deserve the food you ate 1
Red droplets began to form on his leg. He slid the razor across again, pressing harder this time.
Even your own parents think you're a shitty child 2
You just make David and gwens job 5x harder 3
If anyone knew the truth, they would hate you 4
You even yelled at the closest friend you have 5
With each slice of his skin he felt a little calmer. It was as if each cut released pent up emotions in side him.
You'll never be able to leave your parents 6 7
Your just a talentless dumbass 8
Even if you survive, you'll never amount to anything 9
The only friends you have would abandon you in a heartbeat if they knew about this 10 11
Everything your parents say has to be true - no one has ever told you that it's not 13
It's your own fault you're abused - if you were a good kid, they wouldn't have reason to hit you 14 15
He felt the warm blood trickling down his legs.
Max slowly and painfully stood up to look in the cabinet above the sink, finding a first aid kit. Inside he found antibacterial spray, bandaids, alcohol wipes, and Neosporin, but there was no gauze.
He grabbed the antibacterial spray, some paper towels, and a roll of toilet paper as he climbed back up on the counter, this time sitting with one of his legs draped over the sink. He turned on the water flinching at the pain it caused when it hit his thigh. Max began to wipe away the blood using a paper towel. Next he turned off the water, dried his wounds, and sprayed them with antibacterial spray before wrapping them. He took some paper towels and folded them making them big enough to cover his cuts then wrapped his leg with toilet paper to secure them in place (it works in a pinch and the paper towel is less painful to get off and more absorbent) He did the same to the other leg, put his pants back on over the bandages (pretty sure they're actually Neils pj pants but I don't remember) and stood up.
Max's legs didn't hurt as bad as he thought they would. He realized that they would probably barely even sting by the time he went to sleep. 'I'm not going to be able to sleep if I can't even feel the cuts on my body' he thought to himself (if that makes sense? Idk focusing on the pain results in not having room to think of other things that can prevent sleep in my experience). Max decided to do just a few more on his arms this time.
"It's just this once to help me sleep" he mumbled to himself. (Ik that's punctuated wrong but I forgot where the comma goes)
Max rolled up his sleeves and slit across his left bicep once, twice, thrice then on his upper wrist, 4, 5, just a little deeper than he had on his thighs. It hurt like hell already with blood running down his arm, but he still made sure to rinse his arm then put pressure on the wound quickly so he didn't stain Neil's pajama shirt. Once he was done cleaning and bandaging his new wounds and razor, he stashed his razor in his bag, put away the medical supplies and walked back to his tent.

Time skip back to when max first left the tent but focusing on Neil now

Neil woke up to the sound of Max getting out of bed and putting his shoes on.
'What time is it? Where is Max going?' Neil wondered. As soon as Max was gone Neil turned on his flashlight to see that it was only 12:30. Neil looked over to Max's side of the tent and saw that Max had taken his bag with him. He thought it was strange and he was worried about Max, but he decided to wait and ask about it when Max got back from wherever he was going.
Neil picked up his book and started reading as he waited for Max to come back.

I'm trying to make every chapter around 1000 words
Word count: 940

an angsty Camp Camp Dadvid fic that I cant think of a title forWhere stories live. Discover now