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Hey spuds that probably aren't reading this, I'm back! I decided to go ahead and post this tonight (lmao its actually 5 am)
I hope everyone had a good Christmas
TW - mention of self harm,

Neil asked, "are you comfortable telling me why?"
". . . I'll tell you some of it for now, but I don't know that im up to telling the whole story tonight"
"Just share as much as you are comfortable. If I'm asking questions you don't want to answer, just let me know and I wont push it"
"Okay. . Well I guess there are many reasons. Sometimes, I just can't get my head to shut up so that I can sleep but if I'm focusing on the pain, there's no room left for those thoughts."
"I can see how that makes sense. What kind of thoughts?"
"W-well. . I guess . . Well they're usually bad thoughts about me. . About how . How I'm a bad person. . Or how I'm. .im just unimportant and no one. . Nobody cares about me" max mumbled while choking back tears.
"I'm sorry, Max. I never knew you felt this way. I just want you to remember, no matter what happens, no matter what anyone says or does, no matter what You say or do, I will still be here for you. I care about you more than either of us can even comprehend"
Max smiled up at him, wiping his hear stained face off with his blanket. Neil leaned over and gave him a tiny kiss on his forehead, and Max's face turned the color of a tomato.
'Since when was Neil so caring? I can already feel myself starting to catch feelings. That's a bad habit of mine(catching feelings when someone treats you with human decency)'
"You said there were multiple reasons. Do you want to talk about that?"
"I do, but I'm really tired, so maybe tomorrow"
Neil looked at the time realizing it was already 2:30 (not too late ik but they have to get up in 5 hours in addition to I need it this way for the plot) and he started grabbing blankets to put on their bed.
Tiny time skip brought to you by me taking a break, stealing a tomato cage, then forgetting what i was going to write
Neil was starting to fall asleep but then he heard a cry coming from where max was laying. Neil turned over towards him and whispered "are you awake?"
The only response was Max's mumbling, "please. . . No stop. . It was only a b." Max's voice sounded scared. Neil shook max trying to wake him from his nightmare. Max suddenly sat up with a startle, shielding himself from Neil's hand.
"It's okay max, it was just a dream" Max let out a small breath of relief but was still very shaken.
"Come over here," Neil said, "do you want to tell me what happened?"
Max was uncertain about sharing, but he scooted over and lauded down next to Neil.
Neil began brushing his fingers through Max's hair as they began to doze off again.
"it's my parents" max whispered
Neil was surprised that max was telling him this, but he was glad max felt safe sharing this with him.
"What about your parents?" Neil whispered back
"That's what my nightmare was about, and that's part of my reasons to cut myself"
Neil already despised Max's parents but asked "what do they say? What do they do?"
"They always tell me . . They say that I-I'm just a useless, untalented, kid that shouldve never been born. . T-hat all I do is cause them trouble. . . . A-and when they're mad or I mess up, when I don't do something right, when, when I get bad grades. . . "
"You are not useless, and I am so glad that you were born. What do they do?"
"It might be easier to just show you"
Max and Neil sit up as max slides off his shirt and shakily points over to some spots on his body - some round burns on his arm, the bruises across his chest, one particularly large jagged scar across his stomach, then he turns around revealing his back that was covered in slashes from what looked like a belt. Upon closer inspection Neil saw that there were also small-medium words carved into his back, 'dumbass' 'worthless' 'useless'. Neil felt tears running down his face as he pulled max into yet another hug.
Max felt at ease in neils arms. He couldn't even remember the last time that someone showed genuine physical affection.
"I'm really tired. Can we go to bed?" Max asked.
"Of course-" Neil began to let go of Max "-do you need a blanket?"
"Wait - I just want to stay like this"
Max and Neil fell asleep in each others arms and for the first time since max could remember, he felt safe.

795 words
I haven't grammar checked this yet

an angsty Camp Camp Dadvid fic that I cant think of a title forWhere stories live. Discover now