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It was 5 in the afternoon, and as usual, Dazai was filling up some documents and suddenly had the urge to take a break. He stood up from his chair leaving his documents on the desk and went near the huge glass window in his office, taking his time to appreciate the wonderful Yokohama City that he loves so much.

The splendid orange sky that he's laying his eyes on reminded him of his ginger-haired lover. The brunette sighed, now looking at his watch, mumbling to himself " I wonder where my precious Chibi went in buying his wine, he said he'll be back around 5:15" and from that, he's having deep thoughts about his hatrack.

Dazai's thoughts were quickly interrupted when he heard the door from his office opened, and from that he saw his one and only Nakahara Chuuya, looking a bit angry and glaring at him. The brunette looked back at the ginger with a confused expression and suddenly he closed the distance between them. Dazai cupped the other's cheeks and spoke to him " Ne kitten~, what's with that look you are giving me, hmm?" and just by hearing the brunette's low yet loving voice, Chuuya might start melting, still Chuuya kept his composure and pouted at his lover.

The brunette noticed the pout planted on the face of his hatrack and thought " AHH he is so cute when he does this, you are really killing me right now, Chuuya~"

With Dazai chuckling at this sight, Chuuya began to shout at him " OI OSAMU, what are you laughing at?!" Dazai stopped and smiled lovingly at his lover, he kissed his forehead and asked Chuuya once again " Chibi, I'll not tell you if you're not going to tell me what's wrong, did I do something that made my beautiful future wife angry?"

Chuuya blushed and quickly said " Mackerel for your information, I am not a girl, so don't call me your wife!! and since I'm really exhausted right now and I don't want this argument to last I'm just going to tell you.."

"Okay chibi~"

Dazai carried Chuuya bridal style and the brunette sat on the couch while Chuuya was sitting on his lap. The brunette gave his full attention to his lover, ready to listen to what's bothering the hatrack lately.

Chuuya asked, "Did that raid captain visit you while I was gone?" ( A/N Chuuya heard it from his subordinate, that's why he wanted to confirm it to Dazai )

The brunette widened his eyes because of the question, he recalled talking with Atsushi earlier when Chuuya left to buy more wine, the reason why he called Atsushi in his office it's because he assigned the raid captain on a mission. Just by the question of Chuuya, it gave him an idea of what Chuuya must have felt.

"Chuu~ don't tell me you're jealous of Atsushi? "

" HAAAA, I- uhm..."

Dazai just laughed at his boyfriend not admitting that he was jealous

Chuuya's face is as red as a tomato now because hearing Dazai's laugh is one of his favourite sounds in the world. Chuuya noticed that Dazai was caressing his waist and that sent a chill in his spine.

" Chuuya, baby, you're so obvious you know"

" TCH, I know, you don't have to remind me"

Dazai kissed Chuuya on his lips, it was only a peck but Chuuya found it so sweet.

"Chibi, don't worry okay? I'm sorry if I called him while you were enjoying buying more wine, it's just that I really needed to inform him right away"

Chuuya sighed " fineee, just.. Don't leave me for someone else okay?"

" Okay my precious kitten~ I love you and my heart only desires for you, and you belong to me as well, understand kitten?"

" I know, mister mafia boss~, AND HEY OSAMU, why were you laughing at me earlier though?"

"Oh, that?" Dazai smiled, holding Chuuya tighter and locking his eyes on those ocean blue orbs that he can allow himself to get lost to "Because you are making me fall for you even more, it makes me happy to see that you are showing this side of you, being comfortable with expressing how you truly felt to me.."

Chuuya can't help but smile at those words, Chuuya knows that Dazai is that type of person who does not show his true intentions or emotions to other people, but Chuuya is glad to be the person that Dazai gets to be comfortable with.

Dazai once again kissed Chuuya's forehead, " I love you so much Nakahara Chuuya"

The brunette's vanilla scent lingered on Chuuya's nose as he rested his head on Dazai's shoulder and buried his face on the brunette's neck.

" I love you so much too, Dazai Osamu.." and drifted off to sleep on the arms of his lover. 

( A/N YEY, I already made a fanfic of my favorite ship! pls let me know if it's good or not, I really appreciate it if it made you happy :> )

Credits to @krgr_78 for the art 

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