Bad Kitten

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 - Mafia Dazai and Mafia Chuuya - Both are 25 years old in this story - 

Vast amount of sunlight radiating in the surface of their room woke Chuuya up from his deep and comfortable slumber, the absence of warmth from the other side of the bed resulted the newly awoken sleeping beauty to groan, he wanted Dazai to be on his side but the only ones left was the trace of the brunette's scent that the ginger is absorbed to. Chuuya knew that the brunette was called by their boss, Mori Ougai, since Dazai predicted the boss might give them another interesting mission, leaving the ginger to wonder what it could possibly be.

These days, Chuuya constantly feels worn out, famished, and seldomly vomits during mornings. Good thing his annoying boyfriend decided to stop his childish antics and turned out to be the sweetest and most caring person ever in Chuuya's existence. Ane-san assumed that the ginger suffered from this due to his inappropriate sleeping schedule as well as overworking himself with tons of documents, Dazai even refrained the petite mafia from using corruption and that from now on they must include Akutagawa in their daring missions.

Chuuya begins to arrange his shared bed with the taller one and get himself ready for the unexpected occurrence for today. Still inside the bathroom showering and singing out loud along with a volumed up rock music, the brunette who already arrived in their room calling his name two times was inaudible for the ginger. Dazai went near the bathroom and heard his hatrack singing, the brunette slowly twisted the doorknob and to his surprise it was unlocked and walked through. The ginger seemed to not realize the taller one sneaking inside the bathroom not until Dazai turned off the music, Chuuya immediately slid the shower curtain exposing his naked body and was greeted with a smug looking Dazai Osamu devouring him with his ruby brown orbs.

"Nakahara Chuuya, why so sexy~ I perhaps didn't know my breakfast was served at this certain hour~" The brunette said with excitement.

"Y-You! Pervert pervert pervert!" Chuuya quickly covered his body with the shower curtain, pout completely visible on his face.

"Ehh? Chuuya~ you know I've seen you unclothed countless times, what makes you shy all of a sudden? And you should start learning how to lock the door, what if it wasn't me who came inside the bathroom, showing your perfect undressed body to them? You know very well I despise that a lot, Chuuya. I loathe people who take their eyes lustfully on what's mine." Dazai said, unconsciously sending forth a tense atmosphere.

"Okay okay, Dazai "Jealous" Osamu. Relax, I'm yours~"

"Hmph! Stop being a bad kitten, Chibi. You're lucky I halted to do punishments as of now~ or else you wouldn't be able to walk properly for days again~"

Chuuya saw the person who just retorted, loosening his matte black tie and removing his jet black suit.

"Oi oi, Da-dazai.. What're you doing.. Don't tell me.."

"Chibi? Is this turning you on?" Dazai chuckled, "You're thinking erroneously and dirty, Mon chéri. I like that~ Oh well, I'm just doing this because it's hot and nothing else, 'kay? I'll rest for a while and continue with your bath. Akutagawa will notify us to go to the boss' office later. Boss is somewhere else with Elise at the moment."

"Ohh? Is today the boss' shopping day with Elise?"

"Correct, baby. Now finish your bath, if we keep interacting with you being naked in front of me, I might act up and paint that porcelain skin of yours full of hickeys~"


Leaving the obvious blushing Chuuya alone in the bathroom, Dazai relaxed on the couch searching for something on his tablet instead of reading a book. He's been invested in learning about these for the past few days without Chuuya knowing.

Dazai quickly hid his tablet under the couch and pretended to be reading a book when the ginger finished his bath.

When Chuuya finished blow-drying his ginger locks and putting on his gloves, he went to where the taller one was resting and lay down on top of him.


Dazai completely understood why his boyfriend is acting clingy in such unexpected times. And so he set aside his book, hugged Chuuya and kissed his forehead.

"Chuuya, remember last night when I said we'll be assigned for a new mission?"

"Yeah, for sure you're right. The great Dazai Osamu's prediction after all is without fail precise."

"Do you really have to go? I'll leave the choice to you. Come what may, I'll be here to protect and care for you if you indeed want to come with me."

"Osamu, rest assured I'll come with you."

"If that's the final decision of my precious Chuu, then I am not in the right to talk further concerning it, no? But Chuuya, we both know that you're-"

Dazai's words were cut off when Akutagawa knocked loudly on their door.

"Dazai-san, Chuuya-san, my apologies if I interrupt both of you in your spare time. Boss ordered me to summon the two of you into his office."

"Thank you for telling us, Akutagawa! Give us a minute!" Chuuya shouted for the ravenette to hear. The ginger and the brunette took Akutagawa's silence as a response that he agreed.

Arriving at the office after ten minutes, Mori told them regarding the mission they'll do tomorrow night. What shocked Chuuya most was the fact he had to disguise as a lady, to which the ginger had no other choice but to accept the given task. Dazai, of course, was fine with it as well knowing that this given task for Chuuya was not going to exhaust his lover that much.

"You can dismiss yourselves now, Soukoku. I'll be giving additional details when tomorrow comes, right exactly seven hours before the start of your mission."

"Yes boss." Dazai and Chuuya said in unison and left the office.

The two arrived in their shared room, with the ginger's back facing the taller one, Dazai putting his hands around him, slowly caressing the slender waist of the ginger and planting a kiss on top of his head. Chuuya turned around, wrapping his arms on the brunette's neck, tip-toeing and kissed his lips.

"Dazai? Something on your mind right now?"

"Chuuya, promise me to use your words in seducing the culprit and don't even think about kissing him, hugging him tightly and for a long time, being touchy with him, and and-"

"Osamu!, I promise I won't go beyond, I might be forced to at least let him think that I'm seducing him. But, I promise that I won't do such a thing such as kissing and the over proximity."

Dazai sighed, "Okay Chibi~ I trust you!~"

To be continued 

A/N Hello~ I planned to divide this into three parts, and I won't take too long in making the second part and Dazai will show his super jealous side on the 3rd part. After this, I would be writing the part 2 of the "My lovely nurse" 

I apologize if I'm having a difficult time updating my stories, I appreciate for your patience and understanding!! 

I am really gratified for those who read, comment, and vote my stories, for being the source of my motivation to continually write stories!! Frankly, it excites me every time I'm about to update, knowing that people are also looking forward to it. *tears of joy*

If you have any requests for me to write on, I would gladly challenge myself to do so. 

⬆️ Credits to @hosika_sk (twitter) for the art ⬆️

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