Chapter 18 Arriving In Asgard

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Thor, Loki, Tony, and Evie arrived in Asgard in a rush of light. Loki held on to Tony as he stumbled slightly when they landed in the observatory, “Are you alright, Uncle Tony,” Evie asked.

Tony smiled at his goddaughter, “Sure thing, Lightning Bug, thanks, Reindeer Games.”

Loki rolled his eyes, “You're welcome, Tin Man.”

Tony stuck out his tongue, causing Evie to giggle. Thor smiled and set his daughter down; Evie walked towards Tony and took his hand. She led him towards Heimdall, who smiled at the young princess, “Uncle Tony, I'd like you to meet Heimdall, Protector of the Bifrost and Gatekeeper to Asgard.”

“Welcome, Tony Stark, To Asgard,” Heimdall said in a deep and resonating voice.

Tony gave a slight bow, “Thank you, Heimdall, it's nice to be here. Is it true that you see and hear everything?”

“I see all and hear all that happens in the nine realms,” Heimdall answered.

Tony's eyes lit up. He was going to have to interrogate Heimdall about all the things he has seen throughout the universe. Heimdall's lip twitched when he saw the look on Tony's face, “You may ask me all the questions you like, Mr. Stark. But it must be at a later time. The King and Queen are expecting you.”

“How did you-”

“Your curiosity is written all over your face,” Heimdall told him.

“Alright, but as soon as I get a chance, I will be back.”

“And I shall be waiting.”

Thor chuckled and came up behind Tony, “Come, my friend, we cannot keep my parents waiting.”


And with that, the quartet made their way towards the palace. When they arrived, the guard informed them that the king and queen were waiting for them in the garden. Evie took Tony by the hand and led him to the garden. When they arrived, Frigga and Odin were sitting at a table quietly talking. The minute Evie spotted her grandparents, she let go of Tony's hand and ran towards them, “Grandma, Grandpa!”

Frigga and Odin looked over at Evie and smiled when they saw the little blonde girl running towards them. Odin stood up and opened his arms to his granddaughter. She laughed and ran into them; Odin picked Evie up and tossed her into the air, causing Evie to squeal with delight.

Frigga and Odin had talked after Thor, Evie, and Loki returned to Midgard. She had explained to Odin that he needed to be more affectionate to his granddaughter, “My love, our granddaughter is afraid of adults but more so of men. It is important that she knows that the men in her life are not going to hurt her, and she is loved,” Frigga explained to Odin.

Odin gritted his teeth, “If Loki had not punished those Midgardians, I would have done it myself,” He then kissed Frigga's hand, “You have nothing to worry about, my love; our granddaughter has already stolen my heart.”

Frigga smiled and pecked Odin on the lips.

So, when Odin saw Evie running towards him with so much joy on her face at seeing him, his heart melted further. Odin cuddled his granddaughter to his chest and kissed her cheek. “How are you, my sweetling?”

“Good, Grandpa.”

Odin raised an eyebrow.

Evie blushed, “Well, better now that I see you,” Evie said with a smile.

Odin chuckled then kissed her cheek again, “Do not worry, Sweetling, your grandmother will make everything better.”

“Of course, I will, but right now, I would like to greet my granddaughter as well, husband,” Frigga said and took Evie from Odin.

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