2 - Confrontation

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"I'm pretty sure this is illegal," Madison agreed.
"Exactly!" Nova replied, "Lucie, I support you with a lot of things but if I were you, I would not get in a car."

We stood in front of Ron's Diner arguing about the car for at least ten minutes. I don't really care what they think, I've always wanted to sit inside of a car.

"They're not illegal" I said, "they were banned from a bunch of cities. Besides, what's the worst that would happen? I thought you guys would want to look at it with me-"

"Look at a car in real life?!" Nova yelled, "Why would I do that?! I can't believe we're even having this conversation."

"You know what?" Madison asserted, pointing at me, "I heard the last girl who got into a car, was never seen again."

Nova gasped, "Really?"

"Yup! Now Lucie's gonna get in a car and..." Madison threw her hands in the air, "Who knows what's gonna happen!"

I crossed my arms, "You're both being ridiculous."

Nova sighed, "Just because I love you, I will watch you get into the vehicle."

"Thanks," I replied.

"Wow," Madison replied, "First of all, I don't see any cars around here." I searched around and there were no cars. "Besides, Everyone says you can smell a car from ten miles away."

I placed my hands on my hips, "Since you're the car connoisseur, how about you come watch me get in the car too."

She stood tall, "Fine, I will."

I smiled and walked back into the diner. As I walked to the back of the diner, I noticed it was getting darker and darker outside. I stayed out past curfew a few years ago on accident, and I promised myself I'd never do it again. It was the worst mistake of my life, but I don't want to miss out on something potentially amazing.

I looked at Wolf, and he was busy with something on his phone again. I eagerly went straight up to the table and he looked up.

"I wanna see the car."

"This might be a stupid idea," Nova whispered as we followed Wolf behind the building.

"Shh," I snarled at Nova, "It's too late, we're already here."

It surprised me to find that behind Ron's was a large, empty parking lot.

"This used to be the front of the diner," Wolf explained, "After the Car-Ban there was no need for the lot so Ron moved the entrance to the back of the store." He faced me, "He lets me park here though."

I looked around the lot at all the empty parking spaces. Then I felt goosebumps run down my arms when I looked next to the building. There was a big white vehicle tucked under Ron's diner.

"I cannot believe there was a car right behind the diner this entire time," Madison shouted.

"It's kinda cool," I said.

"It doesn't stink," Nova said, "But it's a little bit rusty."

"So what's it gonna do?" Madison asked.

"I don't know," I responded, "It doesn't look like it's on."

"What's wrong with ya'll?" Wolf asked, "It's just a car. Well, actually, it's a van."

I looked back at my friends, and they were gazing at the van in shock.

"Wait here," I said.

They didn't respond, eyes locked on the car.

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