Chapter 27: The Decision

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"A moment!" I call, hoping my voice travels through the door out into the hallway, to the visitors who have just rung the bell. "Give me a moment. I'm coming."

I turn and hesitate, the heel of my foot squeaking against the wooden flooring, my head swiveling to cast a wild glance around the apartment. I should have started cleaning up way earlier than this. But what's done is done – my apartment looks as ready for visitors as it ever has.

Sighing to myself, I stuff the cleaning cloth in the laundry hamper, shake my hair out of its messy bun atop my head, and head for the door.

When I fling the door open, three unsure pairs of eyes turn to fix on me. I plaster on a smile, hoping my expression doesn't betray the thumping in my chest. "Moi," I chirp, before taking a moment to clear my throat. Has my voice always been so high? I should've at least found the time for a glass of water before answering the door.

Well, it's too late now. I step back to let them in, waving a hand as I do so. "Welcome. Come in."

"Moi," the boy in the front replies – he's taller than me, but the youthfulness in his face makes it impossible for me to think of him as anything other than a boy – as he gingerly enters, glancing around surreptitiously to take in the view. The other two file in behind him, smiling at me and murmuring greetings.

When I turn back around after latching the bolt, I'm momentarily startled to see them all crowded behind me. Living alone, I've never noticed how small my apartment actually is. It doesn't bode well for this week's movie night with Priscilla and the gang. But I forcibly push it out of my mind – that's a worry for another time

"So," I say, stretching out my hand, "I'm Emilie. But you know that already." I end off with a little laugh. "Nice to meet you all."

One by one, they move forward to take my hand.

"I'm Heikki," says the first boy. His grip is strong and warm. "Nice to meet you, Emilie."

"Tiina," says the only girl of the group. She looks friendly, with a dash of brown curls framing her face. The smile she flashes me solidifies my first positive impression of her. "Nice to meet you, too."

"I'm Levo," says the last one, another young male who's standing the furthest away from me. He looks at me stoically.

I already know how to spell all of their names, of course, having texted with them to set up this trial lesson, but it feels good to hear them pronounced. I might have been pronouncing that last one in my head a little wrong.

"Heikki, Tiina, Levo," I repeat dutifully, smiling at each of them in turn. Levo seems a little unfriendly, but I brush it off. Maybe he's just shy around strangers. I know I am.

"We brought you something," says Heikki, who seems to be their self-appointed leader. He hands me a wrapped bottle. "We weren't sure what you'd like, so we got you some chocolates."

"Finnish chocolates?" I tease, as I take the box from him. "Thank you so much. You didn't have to bring anything."

He looks flabbergasted. "I don't know if they're Finnish chocolates," he says, looking around at his friends nervously. "We got them from S-Market."

I take pity on him. "I'm joking," I say gently, then gesture towards the table I've set up for them. "Please, take a seat. I'll just put these away in the fridge. Maybe we can all have some later."

"Oh, it's all right," Tiina says. "They're for you."

I shrug. "I can't possibly eat a whole box on my own, can I?" I smile and head into the kitchen, leaving them to get settled. They look like they need some time to themselves. Had Juhani been so awkward at our first meeting? I don't recall – but maybe that's because it had been my first trial class. I had been much more nervous back then.

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