15. | Cupcakes

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"HELP ME!" I groaned into the pillow.

"Okay," Emery said as she burst out into another round of laughter. "I still remember the look on Caelum's face after you used the air horn."

I smiled as the memory of that day filled my mind. "It was hilarious."

"So, that was the reason you were grinning creepily!" she screamed like it was important information. I didn't have a problem with her screaming since we were at my deserted house. At least my neighbors would realize that actual people lived here.

"Maybe." I shrugged, glancing down at my fingernails. I painted them midnight black on the night of the party, but they were already chipping off at the edges, so I made a mental note to wipe them off later.

"Okay, so how should I help you?" she asked when she'd stopped laughing.

I sighed. "If I knew that, I wouldn't ask for your help now, would I?"

She grinned sheepishly. "I have an idea."


"You should bake him cupcakes."

My eyebrows creased. "Cupcakes?"

She made a noise of confirmation before continuing. "Everybody knows the way to a man's heart is through his stomach."

"No, I am not doing it." I glared at her for planting that idea in my head.

"Why not?"

I looked at her like she was crazy, before explaining things from my point of view. "First, Em, I only want Caelum to tutor me, not marry me." I rose a finger when she wanted to interrupt me. "Second, we both know I'm not at fault. I mean, if he hadn't placed that loud CD in my car when I was hungover, I sure as hell wouldn't have thrown the air horn in his room when he was sleeping."


"No," I cut her off. "I am not baking cupcakes for Caelum."

"Well," she said. "If you don't want to do it, I have no other ideas."

"We'll find something else," I said with determination.


I was late. Beyond late.

I pushed through the school doors, trying to get all my stuff organized while making sure I didn't run into anybody—Emery. I had spent all of last night making cupcakes for Caelum. When Emery left, I had tried to come up with multiple ideas which proved to be an impossible task, and I had no choice but to make the cupcakes.

I mean, who could turn down cupcakes? Talk about free cupcakes? No-fucking-body!

I had assured myself continuously that all my efforts wouldn't be in vain, so I made Caelum the best damn cupcakes he'd ever eat. I didn't want Emery to know about the cupcakes because I hated hearing 'I told you so', but my future in Calculus was at stake, so I ignored my pride and texted her.




Whatcha up 2?


Do you know where Caelum is?


Y do u wanna know? ;;))


It's urgent!!!


U made the cupcakes, rii?


Who told you?


I knew it! I did that reverse psychology thingy on youuuuu


Just shut up! I'm already late, and I need to see him asap!


Chillax, he's probs standing in front of his locker




Oh, u shld av said dat earlier!

I glared at the screen of my phone as I typed furiously.


I'm asking now, aren't I?


My teacher just entered the class, but check locker 215.


Thank you!

I walked over to locker 215 like Emery had said with my plastic container of cupcakes—to which I received weird stares. I scanned the hallway, hoping he'd show up.

After Emery's departure and my unproductive thinking yesterday, I had gone to the store to buy the ingredients I needed, along with some packs of cereals and many cartons of milk.

It had taken me a good amount of time to bake those cupcakes. I had to redo the batter and most of the batches got burnt, but I eventually got the hang of it.

I had the idea to bake chocolate cupcakes with Nutella frosting and they looked amazing. They even tasted amazing. I had initially made twenty cupcakes, but I ate two last night and four today, which made them fourteen.

If Caelum did not appreciate my efforts, I was going to suck it up and search for another tutor. Plus, I'd have extra fourteen cupcakes. His loss? Hell yeah!

"Can I help you?" the familiar voice asked, pulling me out of my thoughts.

"Good morning, C!" I greeted, looking up at him. "How have you been?"

He stared at me for a moment longer before popping his locker open.

"I made these for you," I continued, while he remained silent. I had the urge to scream and throw the container on his head, but I refrained from doing so. I didn't want to end up in jail at sixteen.

"You can at least acknowledge my presence," I said, already annoyed.

He gestured towards the container. "What are those?"

"They're cupcakes." I pushed it towards him. "I made them specially for you."

He furrowed his brows in confusion. "You made them for me?"

"Yes!" I nodded, forcing the containers into his hand. "I ate some of them though, but I promise, you'll love them."

"Okay," he drawled awkwardly. "Thanks, I guess."

The grin reappeared on my face, and I nodded. "Well, I better get to class. See you later?"

He made a sound of confirmation and I was surprised my face didn't split into two from the way I was grinning. Emery's plan was a success, and all I had to do was to ask Caelum to tutor me for my test on Tuesday.

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