14. | Ignored

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CAELUM JENSEN was ignoring me.

It was Thursday. Three days after my ultimate revenge.

After the air horn incident, all my attempts to interact with Caelum failed woefully.

My initial plan had been to seek revenge on Sunday—which I did successfully—convince him to help me with my Calculus homework on Monday and then submit it on Tuesday.

On Monday, during gym, I had gone to sit beside him on the bleachers and he'd completely ignored me. I had greeted him, poked him, smiled at him, and even brought up small conversations about the weather. But he glared at something behind me, took his drawing book, and left the gym. He just left the gym without a glance in my direction!

Since Caelum couldn't assist me on Monday, I submitted my half-completed homework, which contained wrong answers on Tuesday.

Yesterday when I was at their house, I had knocked on his door just to speak with him, but Caelum was already well prepared for my arrival. When he heard me knocking, he increased the volume of the obnoxious song he was listening to and started belting out the lyrics so badly, I had no choice but to go back to Emery.

Walking into the class made me internally shed tears. I noticed everyone studying their notebooks, and even the kids I had thought were failing Calculus like I was were studying the last chapters of their textbooks.

Last night, I'd gotten in two hours of studying. I tried cramming multiple equations from my textbook and studying my notebook, but I still had a feeling those two hours I dedicated would never be enough.

I made my way to my seat and brought out my notebook. I mean, if I couldn't beat them, I could always join them.

Opening the first page of my notebook to revise, Mr. Bob walked in—his eyes solely fixed on me. I gulped when I saw the enormous chunk of test papers in his hand, and I died and came back to life when he told us to put our notebooks and textbooks away.

When I received my copy of the test, I immediately skimmed through the pages and the only conclusion I could come up with was that I would do anything to get Caelum to tutor me. I couldn't deal with a fail at the end of the semester. Sure, I didn't have straight A's, but my lowest grade was a B, and if I failed the test, I was dropping to a D.

I chose to submit my test paper after the bell rang, so I waited for the other students to leave. I groaned as I approached Mr. Bob to ask for a retake.

"May I speak to you for a moment?" I politely asked. I wasn't always this polite, but this was a situation pertaining to life and death. Not.

He grumbled a few words under his breath as he sat on his desk. I assumed that meant 'go ahead,' so I continued. "It's about the test."

"What about it?"

My grip on my test paper tightened. "I didn't do well."

"So how is that any of my business?"

"I need a retake."

"I thought you said Caelum was your tutor?" I could see the confusion spreading across his face.

"Yes, well..." I trailed off.

"Well, what?" he urged me to continue.

"I just need more time," I said. "I promise to do well this time around. Just one more chance, Mr. Bob."

"Just one more chance?" I nodded furiously. "No."

I gaped at him as he went to his seat. "No?" I boldly repeated.

"Ms. McCready, it's not my fault you ignored both my teachings and Jensen's teachings," he said. "We tried our best for you, but you refused to put in more effort. I was extremely disappointed when I saw your homework yesterday. Besides, I have better things to do than supervise you retaking your test, so please stop wasting my time."

"Well, Mr. Bob," I spat. "I pay attention in class, and even revise my textbooks all night, but I still don't understand your teachings. All I'm asking for is just another test."

"I am your teacher and you will not be speaking to me in that tone!"

I grimaced. "I'm sorry, sir."

"You should be," he said, shuffling through the papers on his desk. "Because the next time you disrespect me, I will not hesitate to report you to the authorities."

I nodded, biting my cheeks to stop myself from going off. I was not a criminal. Why did he always use terms like offenses and authorities?

"I understand," I responded with an internal eye roll. I didn't want him to send my 'offenses' to the 'authorities' now, did I? "But please sir, I need one more chance."

"No, Ms. McCready," he said without taking his eyes off his desk.

"Please, Mr. Bob." I clasped both my hands together. "I promise to work hard this semester. I only need one more chance. One more chance in the entire world."

He looked at me for what felt like an eternity, before nodding grimly. "See you on Tuesday, after school."

I hid a smile as I dropped my test paper on his desk and left the class. All I had to do now was to look for a way to call truce with Caelum and get him to agree to tutor me again. He started everything, and here I was looking for ways to apologize. Sighing, I made my way to Government class. Time to endure forty-five minutes with Ms. Garcia, the slug.


Author's note:

This is more like a filler Chapter idek. But please leave your votes and comments.

Next update will be next week (Friday).....

See you soon finders ;;;)))

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