Chapter 2

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Amelia swiftly pulled into the parking lot of the mall when I woke up in the back seat, yawning and stretching. I ran a hand in my black hair as I got out of the car and waited for my two friends. Camilla shivered slightly in her yellow sundress, her blonde hair falling over her shoulders. She was beautiful, with green eyes that would catch the lights every now and then. She stood tall on a 5"8 and even taller in the wedges she was wearing that night. She was girly but not in the cliché type. Her personality was as soft as her voice, gentle and caring, although, she had some sass. Otherwise, she wouldn't get along with us. Amelia, on the other hand, was all fiery and sassy, but she was also caring towards those she loved and those who were nice. Her auburn red hair was around should-length and her stunning face was completed with her dark, almost black eyes, rosy cheek and plump lips. She was always on top of her fashion game, wearing a white t-shirt with jeans and high heels: the model look. That night, I opted for a Marvel fan look: a large t-shirt with all the Marvel superheroes imprinted on the front, shorts and laced boots. My hair was loose around my upper back and my clear brown eyes were hidden behind sunglasses.

"The sun is scorching alright tonight," Amelia mocked me. I only scoffed and wrapped my arms around Camilla's, keeping her warm.

"Thanks," she said and lay her head on mine as we walked inside the mall.

I cleared my throat heavily and sang, "What can I say except you're welcome."

I laughed as they both groaned and pushed me away causing to bumped into a few strangers. I muttered some apologies and we made our way to the bowling centre. The mall being near the campus was quite quiet at that time. Students were still in classes while others were getting ready or buying booze for the parties that always happened on Friday nights. Sometimes, we would go too but it became boring with the same people, drunk stunts, flirts. Besides, I'd rather have a small gathering with my close friends, talking, drinking and having fun than having sweaty people attempting to dance and grope me. Old couples were eating at the food court, young teenagers were shopping and security guards were pacing around the floor, hoping for action. I found myself hoping someone would steel a pen from a library so that he could find a fulfilment to his job.

We were tying our bowling shoes when my phone rang and Austin's face surrounded by brownish hair popped up on the screen.

"Hola! What do you want?" I said.

"Bonsoir, party tonight?" he asked.

"Nope, too old for that, Browns."

He laughed and I could picture him shaking his head.

"What you guys up to?"

"Bowling, chilling and marvelling," I smiled, proud of my pun.

"Alright, meet you there in a few?"

I pulled the phone away and covered the micro part.

"You girls mind if the guys tag along later?" I asked them and they both mouthed 'no' and shrugged.

"Whatever you wish, Browns," I said to Austin before hanging up.

The game was a serious tie between Amelia and I, with Camilla closely behind us by five points. I pulled my eyebrows together in concentration as sweat beaded my forehead. Squinting my eyes at the keys and kissing the ball, I quickly closed my eyes and sent a silent prayer to God. I had to win for everyone's benefit because I was a sore and very petty looser. That was why game nights at family gatherings were always tense, because I grew bitchy whenever I loose, which was often with my family members for we all were great players who hated to lose. I took a deep breath as I opened my eyes and prepared to aim for the shot of my life. The girls were quiet behind me, tensed with anticipation for they knew what awaited them if I lost this game. I pulled my arm back, ran towards the yellow line and squatted into a bowing position as I threw the ball. It was sent with a bang of the floor and rolled perfectly towards the keys, striking a perfect ten.

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