Chapter 2: Hostage

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Your heart falters, frozen in your throat, like the air frozen in your lungs. Your mind goes blank, unable to process the small bit of information. Your jaw goes slack. The only movement on your body is your hands, shaking violently. No. No, not her. She can't be. What are the odds. It's probably a common name.

"I don't understand you. Are you not bait? Were you not planted at Rhodey's for me? It's clearly the only credible mechanic shop on Corellia."

You blink, feeling just as confused as she looks. "W-what?

Her tone turns incredulous, seeing your complete honesty. "Who are you bonded with? And why? And why were you planted at Rhodey's if not for me?"

Your breath returns, fast and shallow. "I-um- it's a...Knight of Ren." You swallow the lump in your throat.

A choked noise comes from behind you. You'd almost forgotten about Janper. Your eyes dart back to meet his for a half-second. He looks back at you, confused and frightened. It's nothing to how you feel. You're still struggling to accept it, though your body knew all along who she was.

Rey's eyes bore into your own, pulling your gaze back to meet hers. "The Force did it itself? Or was it..."

She doesn't finish her sentence, and you aren't sure where she was going with it. Does she already know? You try to change the subject instead.

"Is he- Kylo- is-is he looking for you?"

She leans back in her seat, and to your immense surprise, allows the subject change. "Yes."

You try to speak normally through your pounding heart and shallow breaths, your hands still shaking in your lap. "And...and you don't know who I am?"

She frowns when she looks at you. "Well, go on, tell clearly know something about me."

You take a shaky breath, trying to decide what to say.

A loud beeping fills the cockpit, red lights flashing from under the consol. Rey groans loudly, her eyes rolling to the ceiling. You perch up in your seat again, heart continuing to beat against your ribs. You watch the woman work, manipulating her control panel, transferring power to various sections of the ship. It's fascinating to watch, even in your nervous state. She barks orders at you, and you jump into action, working confidently as the co-pilot, despite all the mods to the station.

After several minutes, the red lights fade and the beeping stops. You release a long, held breath. And it seems like she does too. Then she stands up, looking down at you, domination rolling off her.

"We're not done talking. But you aren't a liar, so I'll keep you around for a while. Use the refresher, there's food in the refrigeration unit in the lounge area." She glances at Janper, then back at you. "Don't touch anything on my ship."

You nod. "Yes, ma'am."

She struts out of the cockpit, and out of sight. You hear Janper let out a heavy sigh, and you turn to him.

"Look, Janper, I-"

He stands up, shaking his head. "No, it's okay, you don't have to..."

You grimace. "I know we aren't really close, but-'re kind of my only friend. So, if- I don't know, if you want to...ugh!" this is so embarrassing why did I just admit to that?! "I'm just trying to say- that we might be here a while, and I'm willing to talk to you...if you want...I trust you."

You're sure your face couldn't get any more red, but it would be such a relief to have a friend right now. You glance down at Deneb, but he's concentrated on his puzzle, having unbuckled himself and relaxed into his seat. Janper chuckles at your embarrassed stammering. He fucking chuckles. Then he reaches his arm out, placing it on your tense shoulder.

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