Chapter 6: My Knights

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Thunderous bootsteps rush down the ramp in a whirl of black fabric. You see a quick flash of several eager looking faces. Kuruk's blue eyes stand out in the front, and your face stretches to match his own broad smile. Then a figure brushes past him, pushing him out of the way. Before you know it, your hand is ripped out of Deneb's and a face smothers yours. Warm lips crash against you, forcing your mouth open aggressively and attacking your tongue. Hands slide up and down all over your body.

The breath is knocked out of you. There's nothing you can do in your shocked state but accept the greedy man. Your hands find their way to stiff, curly hair as the lips move to your jaw, nuzzling in your neck. A gravelly voice rumbles against your skin.

"Gods, you smell like shit. When was the last time you showered?"

You pull Vicrul's hair back, pushing him away from your body. You start to smile into his dark brown eyes, but the sight of his face freezes you, a bucket of ice water dumping over your heated mind. A portion of Vicrul's face is covered in burn scars, starting at his left eyebrow and covering most of his cheek, barely missing his eye, but changing his hairline. You experience a painful flashback of the night you escaped- Vicrul writhing on the ground, half his helmet melted.

All that comes out is a whisper. "Vicrul-"

But he's pushed aside, and warm, rough, familiar hands find your face. The callouses scraping across your flushed cheeks. Blue eyes bore into you and white teeth glint in the bright sun.


Kuruk's voice melts you to a pile of mush. Your heart expands at his touch, his gaze, his musky, sweaty scent. You don't get a chance to respond because a little body has wedged itself between you and is jumping up and down. Kuruk bends down and picks Deneb up in his arms, hugging him tightly. You look around for the others, but a mischievous voice distracts you.

"Who's this string bean? Target practice?"

Your protective instinct roars in your chest as you look to your side to see Trudgen, Ushar, and Vicrul standing in front of Janper. Their posture is aggressive, as are their expressions.

"Stop!" you yell, rushing forward.

Staring daggers into the eyes of the three men, you puff your chest out, shoulders back. With a sweaty hand, you grip Janper's forearm possessively. Your voice is firm, communicating your claim.

"This is Janper. He's my friend. You will respect him."

Ushar crosses his arms, looking the nervous man up and down. "Why? You fucking him?"

Your face darkens, though mostly with anger. You wait until Ushar looks at you, and he bites back a smile unsuccessfully.

"No. Leave him alone."

The three men smirk, and Trudgen pulls you into a tight hug. Out of nowhere, a rough pressure descends on your clit, rubbing in hard circles. You gasp and cry out involuntarily. Gritting your teeth and balling your fists in Trudgen's grasp, you growl. "Stop."

It goes away, but not before Ushar chuckles. You try to throw his smirking face a dark expression but a smile somes instead. You detangle yourself from the large man holding you, your face burning with embarrassment. You look back over to see Vicrul standing next to Kuruk, who's still holding Deneb.

"Hey Denny!" Vicrul's tone matches his approving expression of your ever-growing son.

But Deneb cowers away, giving him a faint, "hi..."

Vicrul's proud face falls. Your heart twists painfully and Kuruk glances at you before reintroducing the two.

Ap'lek and Cardo went straight to Rey when they descended the ramp, only sparing you a warm glance. Rey has her arms crossed over her chest, hands balled into fists. She looks like she's just waiting for an excuse to whip out her double-bladed saber and start a fight. Cardo glances over at you, giving you a wink and a smirk. The rest of the Knights congregate around the woman, her previous power now dwarfed by these massive, confident men. She seems unfazed by their hostile presence.

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