Chapter 12: I Won't Fight

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"Kylo, what the fuck are you doing here? How did you find us?"

He scoffs as he pulls you through the dark sand with a painful grip on your arm. "My Knights can't hide from me."

He pulls you up the ramp of his Command Shuttle, not stopping until he has you pinned in his small sleeping quarters. His eyes are all pupils, a crazed expression disfiguring his handsome face. Your heart pounds against your ribs. Your voice comes out breathy and shaking.

"What are you doing? You're going to get my son killed. Rey doesn't want you here."

He slams his palms on either side of your face, the sound ringing in your ears. You flinch, and his face comes down inches from yours, his eyes piercing.

"It's none of your business what I'm doing here. Why were you sleeping with Vicrul and not Kuruk? Trouble in paradise?"

Anger rises like bile. You nearly spit your words into his face. "It's none of your business who I sleep with."

He steps forward, his chest pressing up against yours. The anger transforms into a different kind of heat. He smirks at you, and you lift your hand, slapping him across the cheek. It does nothing, of course. He grips your wrist as you pull your hand away and pins it to the wall behind you. His expression is still crazed, and you start to fear what it might take to calm him down. Your chest heaves against his, solid and wide.

"What do you want with me?"

He hums at you. "I want you to do what you do best...Songbird."

You blink, a little confidence coming back now that you know what he's after. "Shouldn't you be going to Rey for that? She's alone in her ship right now...I even warmed her up for you."

A gloved fist slams into your jaw and you crumble to the floor between his legs, holding your face and yelling. His large hand grips the front of your shirt, pulling you up to your feet. You stare daggers into his eyes, but he's looking down. After a short second, he looks back up into your face.

"You're not even wearing underwear, you fucking slut. She wouldn't let you touch her with a ten-foot pole."

You laugh darkly into his disgusted face, wishing you could actually do some damage with your fists. "Why don't you look for yourself? I saw your face when you accidentally exposed her. You've been dying to see her naked."

Kylo grips your shoulders, slamming you back against the wall. The breath is knocked out of you and you gasp for air, your head spinning from hitting the hard metal. Before you can catch your breath, he flings you across the room, pushing you down onto his small bed. His large body, clothed in black, looms over you, eyes still crazed.

"Don't fucking touch her. Don't even think about laying a hand on Rey. You're mine."

A smile creeps across your face. You can't hold it back. Rey is driving him absolutely a way that you could never. He feels like he needs you, but his whole existence is centered around her, whether he knows it or not. Your smile seems to make him crazier- his hands shake at his sides. You lean up on your elbows.

"Why, are you afraid she'll want me more than you? Or you want to the first to wreck her body?"

He stills, a frown pulling down his face. "What?"

Your heart stops, eyes growing wide. 

"She told you that?" his eyebrows pull together

", that's not what I meant." You blink, searching the room for some kind of answer. You try to change the subject, hoping he won't press you about her. "Why am I here, Kylo?"

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