Chapter 86 An Epic Change Of Plans

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The video used in this chapter is not mine it belongs to it's rightful owners

23 February 1985

Lynn Jr was training for her next match but she was no longer in Japan now after recovering from her injury she challenged all 3 people who were awarded her titles and beat them to regain the titles before she agreed to sign a deal to join Emperessa Mexicana de la Lucha Libre in Mexico since she achieved all she could achieve in Japan she has been looking for a new destination to wrestle at since 1984 as she felt she was ready for a new challenge in her career but the biggest reason she moved was so she could be closer to her son but the problem was she wasn't a popular wrestler outside her now former promotion so was as a result constantly rejected New Japan Pro Wrestling rejected her when she tried to move there, She was rejected in England and also in Canada by Maple Leaf Wrestling and even by the World Wrestling Federation ( WWF) here in the states so she was forced to stay longer at All Japan Women's Pro Wrestling and it really was frustrating but now she finally was allowed to move and now 2 weeks since she landed in Mexico she's waiting for her debut in the promotion but she turned heads again in a recent interview when her estranged brother's name was mentioned at a talk show last week
Howard Cosell: So tell me Lynn how have things been going in your career?
Lynn Jr: They have been going great as we know I'm preparing to go to greener pastures
Howard Cosell: So what are your plans after you leave Japan?
Lynn Jr: Planning to rest a bit recover than get back on that saddle
Howard Cosell: Alright but I must say you have grown a lot since the last time I saw you as a luck obsessed and arrogant 13 year old back in 1967
Lynn Jr: Yes I did I had to grow a lot because my actions did cause a lot of damage
Howard Cosell: Yeah so much animosity as your brother is still bitter at you
Lynn Jr: I can't blame him but he should honestly give us a chance to make amends because everybody deserves a second chance
Howard Cosell: So speaking of the former Heavyweight Champion Of The World I'm sure you had seen his comeback fight against Steve Zouski last month and we all know your previous thoughts on his career so what do you think of his chances now?
Lynn Jr: In all honesty Howard I think he should retire before he humiliated himself any further yes he got a victory but prior to that he lost 3 times back to back to top heavyweights now that tells you your career is over because literally everyone can beat you now
Howard Cosell: Wow not showing any compassion at all just straight to the point alright Lynn now we'll be asking the audience the lady in the sun hat
Lady: So Lynn how long have you been a wrestler?
Lynn Jr: All my life basically
Howard Cosell: on to the next question, you there at the back in black
Man: So Lynn are you and your family really related to Lincoln or was he adopted?
Lynn Jr: Yes obviously he's our blood brother so why are you asking such a lame question?
Man: Just that you guys mistreated him a lot in his early life so it's understandable to be abused by someone whose not your blood but a blood relative a little extreme isn't it?
Lynn Jr: Dude look yes me and my family have done bad things to him I won't lie but we really do care about him
Howard Cosell: Ok on to the next question, The gentleman in the blue suit
Man: So Lynn I must ask why were you so rough with your siblings especially your estranged brother when you were kids?
Lynn Jr: That's because I was toughening them up to stand up to bullies and not go through the same crap I went through because of them next question and no more about my siblings especially Lincoln
Woman: So will you be ready to compete in Mexico as their style is very different to what your used to
Lynn: Yes I am I want to test myself against a new style and try to defeat it

Meanwhile with Lori her evaluation went well and she was given the job permanently but with a recommendations to improve on
She was at home watching tv before that she was reading a magazine and on the cover was her estranged brother with the headline He's back it really irritated Lori is Lincoln that stubborn can't he just accept that his career is over he got his ass kicked three times in that ring how many more will it take to make him accept that Bobby came in
Bobby: Hey babe
Lori: Hey Bobby
Bobby: So what's the good news?
Lori: My evaluation was today and I got the job!
Bobby: Wow that's great! ( He hugs her)
Lori: Yeah but the bad news is that Lincoln is fighting again
Bobby: How is that bad news I thought you would be happy to see him return
Lori: Bobby he isn't what he used to be he's getting beat left, right and centre and hasn't beaten anyone since
Bobby: You are aware he beat a guy named Steve Zouski in the second round last month right?
Lori: I know that what I mean is that guy is a nobody, do you mean to tell me he can do that to a top heavyweight contender or former Heavyweight Champion?
Bobby: We aren't sure he just got back but I trust the bro something his familia should be doing Lincoln can handle himself in that ring
Lori: Alright Bobby I'll have faith in him but if he loses any of his next three fights it's over he must retire
Bobby: That's all I needed to hear

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