Backstory Block - Maida Suu

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Maida Suu: What's wrong with his family life and so much more! 

TW: bigotry, yeah? 

 His parents met when his mother was on a trip to Japan, and they had an immediate connection. His mother moved to Japan, where they lived together and raised him, one brother, and one sister. 

They raised him and his siblings in a rather sexist, misogynistic and altogether bigoted household. He had known his sexuality from a young age, but constantly repressed it. He tried to be the 'perfect son', but it only hurt him. 

He tried to escape, but was only pushed more into a (metaphorical) cage. He ended up going to college for soccer so his parents would be pleased. 

He eventually just left his family to go to nursing school, but not before dying his hair bright red- one final rebellion.

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