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My Crush

Jimin snapped out of his thoughts when he heard the door bell ring.

"I'll get it, can you take those out please, then you can come back for these If you want" Jungkook nodded to the plates of food on the counter as Jimin took the plates that Jungkook held from him.

Jungkook rushed off to get the door while Jimin went to living room to finish setting the table.

Once he put them on the table he made his way back to the kitchen, he grabbed 2 more of the food plates before going back to the living room where he heard a familiar voice.

It was Namjoon's voice. Jimin could here he was in the hallway.

Jimin moved back to the kitchen grabbing a few more plates before he went back to the living.

He heard another familiar voice and turned his head to the door just as 4 ppl walked in, 3 of which he'd met and 1 of which he recognized from one of Jungkook' pictures.

The boy's were Namjoon, Yoongi, Jungkook and..... Taehyung.

Jimin remember how he didn't show up in class and suddenly he felt he had so much to ask the older.

And when Taehyung looked at Him they gazes locked just as there lips did that da- Fuck Jimin would never stop thinking about that kiss.

Taehyung stopped walking and looked at Jimin, then he turned and looked at Jungkook who was talking with Hoseok.

"Why?" Taehyung whispered grabbing Jungkook's arm "what?" Jungkook asked "why is Jimin here?" Taehyung asked "he's one of my friends" Jungkook said.

"Shut the fuck up, no he's not" Taehyung hissed "yes he is" Jungkook hissed back "well I'm leaving" Taehyung sighed letting go of Jungkook's arm.

"No your not, Jimin and you are finally talking and getting along, there is no way your just leave and keep ignoring him" Jungkook said grabbing Taehyung's arm and pulling him away from the door.

"I'm definitely not staying while he's  here" Taehyung tried to move "what's the problem?" Hoseok asked noticing the fact that Taehyung was trying to leave.

"He lik-" Taehyung smacked a hand over Jungkook's mouth before saying "nothing, I'm just gonna use the toilet and then I'll come back".

Taehyung quickly ran off to the bathroom and Jungkook rolled his eyes before going to help Jimin who had finally moved.

<{>'Chapter 16'<}>

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