Chapter 9: Treasured things

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***More steamy scenes!***

The things we miss the most are often the things we take for granted


"Marie! I can't believe your here!" I yell as we wrap each other in a huge. "Well here I am!" Her voice is as excited as mine. When we finally release each other I turn towards Cameron. "Did you do this?" He shrugs his shoulders. "Yes!" Marie answers for him. He smiles and kisses my cheek. "I'm going to start dinner so you two can catch up." He gives me a wink and heads towards the kitchen. After he's out of sight Marie hits my arm. "Ouch! What was that for!" I huff. "You never told me how hot he is!" Rubbing my arm I laugh at my friend's remark. "Really?" I ask her. "I'm pretty sure you're the one who gave him the nickname McDreamy!" Marie throws her head back laughing. "Okay you got me there, but you never mentioned how gorgeous his eyes are." I give her a dramatic look. "I'm pretty sure I did." 

I wrap my arm around hers and lead her to the living room. We sit down on the couch leaning over I hug her again. "I missed you so much! I knew you weren't sleeping when I called you." She laughs. "I was kinda sleeping, I was actually getting ready to board my flight so I'm glad you didn't question further I don't think I would've been able to keep this from you, I really wanted this to be a surprise." "Well I'm officially surprised and very happy." I smile over at her. "Me too." She smiles back. "So, how did this happen, how are you here?" I ask curiosity lacing my tone. "Well." She shrugs her shoulders. "Cameron called me two weeks ago, he told me that he wanted to surprise you and fly me out for a visit, so here I am." I lean back into the couch. "Wow, I can't believe he did that for me." "Are you kidding Amm, he's so in..." "Don't say it Marie!" I interrupt her. "I don't think I'm ready to hear the L word." I sigh. "Amm." Marie lets out a long breath but doesn't finish her thought. "Okay tell me all about living in California." She says instead.

We talk awhile longer until delicious aromas start teasing our noses. "Mm mm, that's smells delicious!" Maria looks at me with wide eyes. "He is a pretty amazing cook." I smile. "Thank goodness, I'm still digesting the food you made me last thanksgiving." She teases. I shake my head laughing. "Let me show you your room; come on." I stand up. "Great!" She smiles. We walk over and grab her luggage when the doorbell rings. I look up at Marie. She just shrugs her shoulders. "Expecting more company?" She asks me. "No." I shake my head. "Can you get that." I hear Cameron yell from the kitchen. I turn around and walk over to the front door. I hesitate for only a second, all the drama of the past couple months come crushing back, I try to calm my nerves and remind myself that William is locked tight in a jail cell and couldn't possibly be on the other side of this door. I Unlock and swing it open. "Surprise!" I hear my aunt Betty yell. "Aunt Betty!" I yell as I leap into her embrace, practically knocking her over. All my recent worries melting away. "Hi honey." She says while continuing to hold me until I release her. Tears run down my face. Aunt Betty wipes them away. "What's wrong sweetheart?" Her voice is gentle. I smile up at her shanking my head. "I'm just so happy your here." I look back over at Marie. "Both of you."

Back in the house I tell my aunt to head to the kitchen where Cameron is while I help Marie carry her luggage up to her room. "This is the guest room!" She gushes as she runs and jumps on the bed. "This room is bigger than my whole apartment!" I roll my eyes. "You're over exaggerating, it's not that big." "Jeez how big is his room?" I roll her luggage to the mahogany dresser. Ignoring her question. "I can't wait to see your house; can we go tomorrow?" She asks excitedly. "Of course." I say joining her on the bed. We both fall back onto the comforter. She turns to her side and rests her hand on her head. "Are you okay?" I let out a long breath while staring at the ceiling. "Define 'okay'." "Ambrosia." She pushes my shoulder. "I don't know." I shrug. "William will be back out in less than a month; Cameron insisted on me getting a restraining order against him; so there's that." "Wells that's good right?" She asks laying back down next to me. "Yes, on paper, but if he tries to attack me again what am I going to do throw the paper at him?" "Absolutely, paper cuts are a bitch!" Her tone is deadpan making me giggle. I nudge her. "Come on." I jump up. "Let's go eat."

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