Chapter 3 - Running at the Mall

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When I hear him pick up, I frantically ask where he is. 

"Calm down, I'm just at the shoe store. Where are you is the better question, dude." He fills me in on where he and the others are.

"Which one? I'm trying to get this group of girls to go away cause they're just kinda following me,"

"We're at Puma, just calm down though. Shouldn't be too far."

"Okay, I'll see you guys in a few minutes then."

"Okay, bye." He replies before I hang up, turning around to see the girls still behind me. I start looking for the Puma store, speeding up my steps a little. Before I can get to the store, I feel something tap my shoulder and I turn back. It's just George, so I sigh.


"Hii, heard there were some girls following you?"

"Uh, yeah, but I think I lost them looking for where you were." 

"Aww how cute Clay, you searched for me!" He teases me, and I punch his shoulder lightly. "Hey! It was a joke!" 

"Not a very funny one, George," I retort.

"It was!" He drags the 's' out a little, pouting slightly before catching back up to my fast-paced walking. "Slow down, you're being fast right now." 

"Can't, gotta get away from the hunter." I joke.

"We're not doing this right now, Clay," he responds. 

"Oh sure we are, George," I counter, with him rolling his eyes. 

"Fine, fine, whatever you want," he smirks a bit before continuing, "but if I catch you, you owe me a game!" 

"Okay, okay." We both giggle as I start running to the exit of the mall, "If I reach the end of the parking lot before you catch me, I win!" I hear him snicker behind me as we both begin running quicker. I whizzed past small stands filled with items to add onto phones, sunglasses stands, and many more. Some shooks slightly as we ran, and people judged us very clearly. I finally saw the exit of the mall, seeing that there was a sun shower happening. The sun shone lightly through the glass doors, although the ground was wet with rain. George started to catch up to me, and I sped up, bursting through the glass doors and onto the parking lot. Raindrops scattered on my head as I kept my pace. 

"I'm so gonna get you!" George screamed from behind me, getting even closer to me. 

"No way!" I replied, screaming as I started searching for the end. I soon spotted the bright grey lines, and sprinted for the finish line. When I got close enough, I reached out and tossed my body at the curb. I ended up falling over, but still touched the rim before George fell onto me. We both laughed, letting our laughter fill the wet air. We both looked at each other, and looked away before getting up from our awkward position. "I so won that, George!" I said, sticking my tongue out at him.

"It wasn't that fair, Clay! You had a head start," he returned, sticking his tongue back out at me and making a sour face. 

"You can have a head start next time I guess," I chuckled, wheezing a bit before looking up at the sky. It started to clear a little, and some clouds came into view. The air felt warmer and the sun was brighter. 

"It's pretty nice today," George stated, shaking me from my admiring of the sky. 

"Yeah, I suppose it is." I answer,  sitting against the ledge and taking a deep breath. I close my eyes, and suddenly feel drawn into what feels like a memory. 

"How could you do this to me?!" A soft british voice says.

"I didn't have a choice! He would've turned us both in the end, he had to be let go.." I hear my voice reply, although I don't feel my lips moving. I try to move my hand but can't. It's as if something is holding me back. 

"We could've saved him! He was our last best friend, Clay!"

"I would've died doing it! He was long gone, he couldn't have remembered us!" 

"You should've at least have given him a chance.." The man took in deep breaths before speaking up again, "I need some air." 

"You can't just leave like this. Something could happen to you, George." 

"It's exactly what happened to him. At least I'll be happier when I'm not living in this hell of a life!" Footsteps departed, and tears stung my cheeks. 

'What just happened?' I thought before falling to the ground. 

"Clay, are you okay? Clay! Answer me!" George called out, shaking me violently, and I opened my eyes. 

"Huh?" I slowly answered, feeling a sharp pain in my head, buzzing. 

"You just passed out, are you okay?" His voice was laced with worry, so I couldn't tell him what I heard.

"Yeah, yeah. I guess I got dizzy." He held out a hand, helping me up as I took it. 

"The others are still shopping, but they said we could leave and go home if we wanted to."


Word Count: 858 Words

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