Chapter 4 - This is Home

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"Sure, let's go back then." I reply, getting up and holding my hand out for him. He grabs it, and I lift him up. We both start walking onto the sidewalk, looking at the chalk drawings. 

"Some kids must've had loads of fun drawing these, huh?" George spoke up, shaking me from my trance.

"Yeah. I miss being a kid, with no worries. Just having fun all the time. Ya know?"

"Mhm. It was great, but I wouldn't go back and change anything." George hooks his arm around mine, "I enjoyed meeting you." 

Him saying this makes me laugh a bit and mutter, "so cheesy." He giggles, and we continue walking as the sun begins setting along the horizon. The sky turns into pastel orange, yellow, and purple, as it all mixes together like a beautiful watercolor painting. Car lights start to turn on along the roads beside up, and we turn to a park. I lead the dark-haired man to a bench, smiling and ruffling his hair. "Let's stay here for a while longer, G. Just you and me." 

"Sounds nice to be away from all the crazy ones," we both turn to each other with wide smiles on our faces. 

"Of course," I say, tilting my head back. I take a deep breath, smelling the scent of flowers, pollen, and the trees. The air felt calming, as if there was just a deep acceptance along the nature. I notice George get up, and move to somewhere among the grass. I move next to him, as he picks up a small leaf. 

"This is like one of us, just flowing in the wind until we fall. Even if we fall, though, we can always get back up. We always get picked up by some sort of animal, or the wind, and continue our way. Leaves can mean so much, and I kinda adore them sometimes." We both stay silent after he says this, just allowing our thoughts to run wild. I sighed, laying down in the grass, looking along the stars in search of one of the brightest ones. I felt my eyes close, slowly falling asleep in the soft breeze. 


"G, I promise that I really do love you. You're my best friend! No one beats you," my voice speaks up.

"You're lying! You married a fucking fox, which makes him your best friend instead." His words repeated in my head,  spreading like a computer virus. I felt lightheaded, all because he doesn't believe me. 

"I'm not lying, we just did it for a bit! I swear that I don't care about him as much as I care about you, George. You're the one I'd love to hug more, the one I tell all my secrets to, the one my heart beats even a little bit faster for, okay? Can I stress this any more?"  I spoke louder than before, pushing more meaning into these words than any others. He really did matter more than some fox. We stayed silent for a few minutes, just letting the time pass before doing anything. We let no words come out, no actions be made, let even our thoughts simply flow in one ear and out the other. 


I felt my body being shaken, which stirred me out of my slumber. "Hey, you gotta get up. It's almost midnight, Clay."

"Oh, right. We still have to get back home." 

"Yup, let's go!" He reached his hand out to me, with the brightest smile I've ever seen him have. I grabbed hold of his hand, pulling myself up. 

"Thanks," I say, not expecting much of a response. He only nods, before we start walking out of the park, and back out onto the sidewalks. Bright red, white, and yellow lights fill my gaze as cars flow by. I shift my weight slightly, leaning my hand against his. He takes my hand into his, holding it tightly, giggling a little. "Cute," I whisper, too quiet for him to hear. Some cars begin honking as one car zooms past us, fast as fuck. 

"Whoa, that was kinda crazy, huh?" He questions, adding a hint of his seeing it as a bit funny to his tone. 

"Yeah, super fast. Guess that means that we're out too late." I reply, turning to see his deep brown eyes staring up at me. 

"Can't ever be out too late when you're an adult, 'Dream'," he jokingly adds my nickname to the end, and soon picks up his speed. "Don't want to miss the train!" I begin running with him, keeping at his pace and leaning a tad away from him. As we start running, we take a turn, which results in him tripping. He falls onto his side, wincing in pain. 

"Are you okay?" I worriedly ask, helping him up slowly.

"Yeah, just a bit of bruising on my side, probably." He responds. 

"Let's hurry so we can get you bandaged up." 

"Wow, so nice of you to assume that I'd need bandaging," George quickly retorts, poking fun at my assumption. 

"At least I'm not as much of a Gogy as you are, that would be sooo terrible!" I joke back, which seems to offend him slightly as he grabs at his chest. 

"Oh how dare you. At least I'm not a pissbaby!" We both burst out laughing, leaning onto our knees to hold ourselves steady. We ended up joking the rest of the way home, laughing into the night. 


Word Count: 920 Words

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