His Butler, Withdrawl

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Walking through the streets of Paris brought back many memories. Not that those memories meant anything to me, nor did they make me happy or sad. They reminded me of something I once had. Life. I haven't thought much about how I would live my demon life, if I would make a contract, if agilty and strength would increase, about food. Food... Something I would never yearn for again. Until I understood the taste of human soul I would be stuck in limbo of starvation. Damn.

The streets were busy of French hustling around their daily lives. It was not as busy as London, but it was busy enough to bump into people. Vibrant colours fluttering around the streets like rose petals; Sebastian and I stuck out like a thorn. Impaling the happiness with our vibe of death. Maybe it was our death black suits but people veered away from our path, like somehow we were contagious.
Sebastian walks far from me, his strides are wide and quick. After leaving our old life he has been silent, averting his eyes from meeting mine. I understand. I have taken all opportunities from him, trapped them inside of a bottle, and thrown it into the ocean.
Sebastian finally stopped in of an extravagant building. He opened the door and ushered me inside. The room was painted bright red with intricately carved pillars of gold. After a short admiration we walked to the front desk, where we booked a room for two. It was a busy sounding motel, with shouting voices and drunkmen.
Their maids were dressed in revealing clothes. Small black dresses with a tiny frock that pushed up their boobs. Appauling. I let out a sneer and made my way upstairs with Sebastian silently following. His silence was dicormforting, like my existence was unnerving him.

<time skip>

"Would you like some tea before you go to bed my lord?"
I stared into his eyes.
"Oh, I forgot. Old habits I guess...Excuse me my lord."
He left. That was the first thing he said since we arrived in France. Asking me if I wanted tea. He well and truly knew that I could not have any food or drinks. So he did it to plainly put me off. Damn demon. I fumbled with the top button of my pyjamas. I gave up and tucked myself into bed.
Sebastian usually leaves without explanation at night, but with the current circumstances. Him leaving the room left me feeling inadequate. I let my eyes close, and drift off to sleep.
I rub my sleepy eyes open. Sebastian's figure hovers over me. His Crimson eyes do not stray from their stare. The reflexes in my arm bend back and latch onto my pistol, then shooting him in his forehead. I watch as the bullet enteres his head, separating his skin, leaving a small hole. He laughs as blood trickes down onto my face. The walls echo Sebastian's manic laugh, enclosing me in fear. Is this hell? Shadows wrap their fingers around me, piercing my skin. Sebastian claws at my chest.
"You poor child, that soul would have been delicious..." His nails slice down my chest forcing me to scream in anguish. "But you had to go and ruin that didn't you. Because you just wanted to live to badly! YOU ARE A WASTE! WITHOUT A SOUL YOU SHOULDNT EXIST!" I am uncontorllably shaking. "SE-SEBAST-" I can't stop crying. Help! Someone please!!! Sebastian stop please your voice is changing. You sound like madam red. "YOU SHOULD NEVER HAVE BEEN BORN IN THE FIRST PLACE!"

His Butler, UnableWhere stories live. Discover now