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"COSA c'è di così importante da non potermelo dire semplicemente al telefono?" What is so important that you couldn't just tell me over the phone? She didn't bother to look up as she ate the last bite of her sfogliatella. She washed it down with a couple of sips of her cappuccino, waiting for her brother's response as he took the seat across from her.

"Presto ora, vero?" Early now, are we? Santino commented as he took off his shades, setting them down onto the table between them. He nodded towards her, watching as she finished her coffee. "Lo sai che non ti è permesso portare cibo dall'esterno, vero?" You do know that you're not allowed to bring outside food, right?

"Il mio pasto è stato interrotto" My meal was interrupted Elena replied, rolling her eyes as she tidied her trash, ready to throw away at a moment's notice.

"Ora chi sano di mente lo farebbe?" Now who in their right mind would do that? Santino asked, quirking an eyebrow at the thought.

"Chi ha interrotto la mia colazione non è importante" Whoever interrupted my breakfast isn't important Elena brushed his question off, not wanting to dwell too much on the topic. "L'importante è perché mi hai chiamato fin qui, quando potevi venire nella mia stanza d'albergo" What's important is why you called me all the way here, when you could've just came to my hotel room

"Matteo ti ha già dato i nomi?" Did Matteo give you names yet? Santino questioned, eager for her response. Elena sighed, annoyed that he woke her up for a simple question when he could've just asked any of her subordinates for the information.

"Sì, ha fatto" Yes, he did Elena nodded her head, sighing as she rubbed her face, feeling sleepiness take hold of her body. "Valentino verrà qualche tempo dopo per assicurarsi che dica la verità" Valentino's coming some time later to make sure he's telling the truth

"Questo è il primo" That's a first Santino hummed, surprised that their elder brother would double check Elena's work. Usually Valentino wouldn't think twice about the information given to him by Elena or by him.

"È meglio prevenire che curare" It's better to be safe than sorry Elena shrugged it off, unfazed by their brother's justified doubt. "Non possiamo permetterci errori" We can't afford any mistakes

"Questo ha richiesto più tempo di quanto mi aspettassi. Di solito situazioni come queste vengono gestite entro un giorno o due" This took longer than I expected. Usually situations like these are handled within a day or so Santino sighed, annoyed at the current situation at hand. "È passata più di una settimana e finalmente abbiamo fatto dei progressi" It's been over a week and we finally made some progress

"Non abbiamo tutta la mafia che ci fa fuori i traditori" We don't have the whole mafia snuffing out the traitors for us Elena said replied, shrugging her shoulders. "Siamo solo noi tre e una manciata di soldati fidati" It's just the three of us and a handful of trustworthy soldiers

"lo so" I know Santino nodded his head, sighing heavily. "Sono solo stanca delle madri che cercano di accoppiarmi con le loro figlie e dei padri che cercano di far entrare se stesse o i loro figli nella mafia" I'm just tired of mothers trying to pair me up with their daughters and fathers trying to get themselves or their sons into the mafia

"Almeno le donne della tua età sanno di non buttarsi addosso a te" At least women your age know not to throw themselves at you Elena commented, chuckling as her brother shook his head. Her posture relaxed, her body slumping against her chair as her head leaned backwards until her eyes met the underside of the large umbrella that shaded them from the morning sun.