His Summer Job II

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by: Avaritico[COPYRIGHT©2013 Avaritico All rights reserved]

By: Avaritico


Warning: This Entry had been Rated-Naughty for mature content. Beware of vulgar words.


Part 2 of 3

(To the Past)

“Hey babe, what do you want for your birthday?” Johannes asked Ryan when they were roaming around a mall. Tomorrow was his birthday and he wanted to surprise him.

“A ring,” Ryan answered. “Or maybe a car, red sports car.” Johannes was two inches higher than Ryan. He was protective; it can be seen by how he held Ryan while they were walking. His hands were around his lover’s hips. “Oh, I know, how about a house? Since were making a lot of noise lately, I think my parents are getting annoyed they couldn’t get enough sleep.” Then both of them laughed.

“That’s quiet big,” he answered.

“Okay then… surprises me,” Ryan answered.

The next day… Ryan waited for Johannes call or text saying happy birthday. He wanted the guy to be the first to greet him, but he never did. It was his parents who greeted him first. His parents prepared a huge party for him. Visitors came and went.

“Hey, I don’t see Johannes anywhere. Did the two of you fight?” His father asked him.

“No dad,” he answered with a lonely face. “We were okay yesterday, I don’t know why he’s not here. I can’t even reach his phone.”

Hours passed and his lover was still not around.

“You’re dead Johannes if you don’t come,” Ryan whispered to the air. He tried calling his boyfriend again yet it keeps going to the voicemail. “Where are you?”

“Hey!” The voice behind him greeted. “It sounded familiar.”

“Hi there, enjoying my party?” He turned to face the owner of the voice. A Redhead guy. It was Kedge.

“Yeah! But I really came to apologize.” The guy started.

“For what?”

“For what I’ve done I… the past. I really didn’t believe that you… you… so I tried if you’ll gonna give it to me…” Kedge smiled bitterly. “I’m really an idiot sometimes, but I feel sorry for it.”

“I already forgave you.” Ryan answered.

“Thanks so much Ry.” Kedge’s face lightens up. It can be perceived that he really became happy by what Ryan had said. “Then can we still give it a shot?”

“That I’m afraid is not possible,” Ryan answered.

“B-but I thought you already forgave me?” Kedge looked bothered. “Promise, I won’t…”

“I already found someone …” Ryan answered.

It was like the earth had fallen unto him, Kedge’s face turned dark though he forced a fake smile. “Oh, I see. Who’s the lucky guy then?”

“It’s Johannes.” He answered without hesitation.

“Your best friend huh. I guess I can’t get you from him. What do I have if he has your years of being together. I wish you both happiness even if hurts a little.”

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