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Senku's POV



I never knew what love is actually. Never even fell in love with anyone nor am I interested. It just seemed something I can never imagine myself in. To say I was thinking about Taiju and Yuzuriha's relationship and what they've been up to these days since I parted with them over a few months ago. I was deep in thought when I heard someone mention cola. I was stuck at that word and turned around to see a familiar man standing there smirking.                             

Kohaku and others surrounded him with their weapons pointing at him. There stands Mr. Asagiri Gen, the mentalist I knew about before the petrification.

I called his name to which he replies you should call me " the mentalist " Senku chan. An unknowingly smirk forms on my lips. After that, he starts on how sorry he is to eat the ramen I made with others but when he sees I'm smiling he says -

"What up with your face Senku chan? Are you that happy to see me? I feel honored."

I reply, "You see it's not that exactly but yes I'm happy to get one more helping hand."

"What do you mean?" he asks.

I just smile again.

A few moments later*

Gen: if I knew what you were up to, I never would've dared eat that ramen.

I just kept my smirk like I always do.                                                                                                   While he was pumping the machine I asked him questions about how Taijo and Yuzuriha are and what is happening on the other side. I don't know why, I just wanted to keep talking to him telling myself that I just want as much as information I can get and nothing else.

So Gen...I started, "What were you up to these days? " Okay maybe I just wanna know about him a little bit, just a tiny bit, I thought to myself.                                                                                     
 " hmmm...... nothing much just wandering around looking for you like a lover searching for his love who've been separated for a long time. "                                                                                                     
To say that startled me will be an understatement. I tried not to show it on my face but being a mentalist he guessed my reaction and said " Aww Senki chan no need to be surprised, I was just kidding " 

And that's how I met him for the first time in the Stone world. 

Okay so hey guys. I know no one is gonna read this but I'm just trying to fulfill my fantasy. I'm a sucker for boy love and I just love this duo so much. So well I  kept it short for the first chapter but the chapters will eventually expand. My first time writing anything lol. I'll be updating early next week again so don't forget to check :)   

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